Thursday, December 27, 2012

Black Hole Probes of Automorphic Space

R. Schimmrigk

Over the past few years the arithmetic Langlands program has proven useful in addressing physical problems. In this paper it is shown how Langlands' reciprocity conjecture for automorphic forms, in combination with a representation theoretic notion of motives, suggests a framework in which the entropy of automorphic black holes can be viewed as a probe of spacetime that is sensitive to the geometry of the extra dimensions predicted by string theory. If it were possible to produce black holes with automorphic entropy in the laboratory their evaporation would provide us with information about the precise shape of the compact geometry.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

On interactions between harmonic analysis and the theory of automorphic forms

M. Tadic

In this paper we review some connections between harmonic analysis and the modern theory of automorphic forms. We indicate in some examples how the study of problems of harmonic analysis brings us to the important objects of the theory of automorphic forms, and conversely. We consider classical groups and their unitary, tempered, automorphic and unramified duals. The most important representations in our paper are the isolated points in these duals.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Large N techniques for Nekrasov partition functions and AGT conjecture

J.-E. Bourgine

The AGT conjecture relates \mathcal{N}=2 4d SUSY gauge theories to 2d CFTs. Matrix model techniques can be used to investigate both sides of this relation. The large N limit refers here to the size of Young tableaux in the expression of the gauge theory partition function. It corresponds to vanishing of Omega-background equivariant deformation parameters, and should not be confused with the t'Hooft expansion at large number of colors. In the first part of the paper, a saddle point approach is employed to study the Nekrasov-Shatshvili limit of the gauge theory, leading to define beta-deformed, or quantized, Seiberg-Witten curve and differential form. In a second part, this formalism is compared to the large N limit of the Dijkgraaf-Vafa beta-ensemble. A transformation law relating the wave functions appearing at both sides of the conjecture is proposed. It implies a transformation of the Seiberg-Witten 1-form in agreement with the definition proposed earlier. As a side result, a remarkable property of the \mathcal{N}=2 theory emerged: the instanton contribution to the partition function can be determined from the pertubative term analysis.

Membrane instantons from a semiclassical TBA

Flavio Calvo, Marcos Marino

The partition function on the three-sphere of ABJM theory contains non-perturbative corrections which correspond to membrane instantons in M-theory. These corrections can be studied in the Fermi gas approach to the partition function, and they are encoded in a system of integral equations of the TBA type. We study a semiclassical or WKB expansion of this TBA system in the ABJM coupling k, which corresponds to the strong coupling expansion of the type IIA string. This allows us to study membrane instanton corrections in M-theory at high order in the WKB expansion. Using these WKB results, we verify the conjectures for the form of the one-instanton correction at finite k proposed recently by Hatsuda, Moriyama and Okuyama (HMO), which are in turn based on a conjectural cancellation of divergences between worldsheet instantons and membrane instantons. The HMO cancellation mechanism is important since it shows in a precise, quantitative way, that the perturbative genus expansion is radically insufficient at strong coupling, and that non-perturbative membrane effects are essential to make sense of the theory. We propose analytic expressions in k for the full two-membrane instanton correction and for higher-order non-perturbative terms, which pass many consistency checks and provide further evidence for the HMO mechanism.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Partition Function of ABJ Theory

H. Awata, S. Hirano, M. Shigemori

We study the partition function of the N=6 supersymmetric U(N_1)_k x U(N_2)_{-k} Chern-Simons-matter (CSM) theory, also known as the ABJ theory. For this purpose, we first compute the partition function of the U(N_1) x U(N_2) lens space matrix model exactly. The result can be expressed as a product of q-deformed Barnes G-function and a generalization of multiple q-hypergeometric function. The ABJ partition function is then obtained from the lens space partition function by analytically continuing N_2 to -N_2. The answer is given by min(N_1,N_2)-dimensional integrals and generalizes the "mirror description" of the partition function of the ABJM theory, i.e. the N=6 supersymmetric U(N)_k x U(N)_{-k} CSM theory. Our expression correctly reproduces perturbative expansions and vanishes for |N_1-N_2|>k in line with the conjectured supersymmetry breaking, and the Seiberg duality is explicitly checked for a class of nontrivial examples.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bijective Projections on Parabolic Quotients of Affine Weyl Groups

E. Beazley, M. Nichols, M.H. Park, X. Shi, A. Youcis

Affine Weyl groups and their parabolic quotients are used extensively as indexing sets for objects in combinatorics, representation theory, algebraic geometry, and number theory. Moreover, in the classical Lie types we can conveniently realize the elements of these quotients via intuitive geometric and combinatorial models such as abaci, alcoves, coroot lattice points, core partitions, and bounded partitions. Berg, Jones, and Vazirani described a bijection between n-cores with first part equal to k and (n-1)-cores with first part less than or equal to k, and they interpret this bijection in terms of these other combinatorial models for the quotient of the affine symmetric group by the finite symmetric group. In this paper we discuss how to generalize the bijection of Berg, Jones, and Vazirani to parabolic quotients of affine Weyl groups in other classical Lie types. We develop techniques using the associated affine hyperplane arrangement to interpret this bijection geometrically as a projection of alcoves onto the hyperplane containing their coroot lattice points. We are thereby able to analyze this bijective projection in the language of various additional combinatorial models developed by Hanusa and Jones, such as abaci, core partitions, bounded partitions, and canonical reduced expressions in the Coxeter group.

On automorphisms of extremal even unimodular lattices of dimension 48

G. Nebe

The automorphism groups of the three known extremal even unimodular lattices of dimension 48 and the one of dimension 72 are computed using the classification of finite simple groups. Restrictions on the possible automorphisms of 48-dimensional extremal lattices are obtained. We classify all extremal lattices of dimension 48 having an automorphism of order $m$ with $\varphi(m) > 24$. In particular the lattice $P_{48n}$ is the unique extremal 48-dimensional lattice that arises as an ideal lattice over a cyclotomic number field.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Correlators in the Simplest Gauge-String Duality


R. Gopakumar, R. Pius

In this note we compare planar correlators such as $< \prod_i^n Tr M^{2k_i} >$ in the Gaussian matrix model with corresponding genus zero correlators of the A-model topological string theory on $P^1$. We find a simple relation between them which provides additional evidence for the duality between the two theories, as proposed in arXiv:1104.2386.

The Superconformal Index of Class S Theories of Type D

M. Lemos, W. Peelaers, L. Rastelli

We consider the superconformal index of class S theories of type D, which arise by compactification of the (2,0) D_n theories on a punctured Riemann surface C. We also allow for the presence of twist lines on C associated to the Z_2 outer automorphism of D_n. For a two-parameter slice (p=0, q, t) in the space of superconformal fugacities, we determine the 2d TQFT that computes the index.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2d TQFT structure of the superconformal indices with outer-automorphism twists

N. Mekareeya, J. Song, Y. Tachikawa

We study the superconformal indices of 4d theories coming from 6d N=(2,0) theory of type \Gamma on a Riemann surface, with the action of the outer-automorphism \sigma in the trace. We find that the indices are given by the partition function of a deformed 2d Yang-Mills on the Riemann surface with gauge group G which is S-dual to the subgroup of \Gamma fixed by \sigma. In the 2-parameter deformed version, we find that it is governed not by Macdonald polynomials of type G, but by Macdonald polynomials associated to twisted affine root systems.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Generalised Mathieu Moonshine

M.R. Gaberdiel, D. Persson, H. Ronellenfitsch, R. Volpato

The Mathieu twisted twining genera, i.e. the analogues of Norton's generalised Moonshine functions, are constructed for the elliptic genus of K3. It is shown that they satisfy the expected consistency conditions, and that their behaviour under modular transformations is controlled by a 3-cocycle in H^3(M_24,U(1)), just as for the case of holomorphic orbifolds. This suggests that a holomorphic VOA may be underlying Mathieu Moonshine.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Spectral curves and the Schroedinger equations for the Eynard-Orantin recursion

M. Mulase, P. Sułkowski

It is predicted that the principal specialization of the partition function of a B-model topological string theory, that is mirror dual to an A-model enumerative geometry problem, satisfies a Schroedinger equation, and that the characteristic variety of the Schroedinger operator gives the spectral curve of the B-model theory, when an algebraic K-theory obstruction vanishes. In this paper we present two concrete mathematical A-model examples whose mirror dual partners exhibit these predicted features on the B-model side. The A-model examples we discuss are the generalized Catalan numbers of an arbitrary genus and the single Hurwitz numbers. In each case, we show that the Laplace transform of the counting functions satisfies the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion, that the B-model partition function satisfies the KP equations, and that the principal specialization of the partition function satisfies a Schroedinger equation whose total symbol is exactly the Lagrangian immersion of the spectral curve of the Eynard-Orantin theory.

Refined Topological Vertex and Duality of Gauge Theories in Generic Omega Backgrounds

K. Ito

The partition functions of refined topological strings(A-models) are computed, which give rise to the circle-compactified five-dimensional supersymmetric linear quiver gauge theories in generic (not necessarily self-dual) Omega backgrounds. Based on the slicing independence conjecture of refined topological string partition functions, it is demonstrated explicitly that the duality exists between $SU(N)^{M-1}$ and
$SU(M)^{N-1}$ supersymmetric linear quiver gauge theories, even in generic Omega backgrounds. It is found that the relations between string moduli and gauge moduli are deformed from the self-dual case. However if the duality map which preserves the ratio of the Omega background parameters q and t, is considered, duality maps of the gauge moduli are not changed from the self-dual case.