Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Superconformal Block Quivers, Duality Trees and Diophantine Equations

A. Hanany, Y.-H. He, C. Sun, S. Sypsas

We derive necessary and sufficient conditions in the form of Diophantine equations for N=1, (3+1)-dimensional, block quiver gauge theories to have non trivial infra-red superconformal fixed points. Techniques from representation theory of quivers are used in order to generalize known results for theories with a small number of gauge groups factors to arbitrary block quiver gauge theories. The latter can be thought of as vectors in the root system of the corresponding quiver and superconformality conditions are shown to associate these theories to certain subsets of imaginary roots. These methods also allow for an interpretation of Seiberg duality as the action of the affine Weyl group on the root lattice.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Much ado about Mathieu

T. Gannon

Eguchi, Ooguri and Tachikawa have observed that the elliptic genus of type II string theory on K3 surfaces appears to possess a Moonshine for the largest Mathieu group. Subsequent work by several people established a candidate for the elliptic genus twisted by each element of M24. In this paper we prove that the resulting sequence of class functions are true characters of M24, proving the Eguchi-Ooguri-Tachikawa conjecture. We prove the evenness property of the multiplicities, as conjectured by several authors. We also identify the role group cohomology plays in both K3-Mathieu Moonshine and Monstrous Moonshine; in particular this gives a cohomological interpretation for the non-Fricke elements in Norton's Generalised Monstrous Moonshine conjecture. We investigate the intriguing proposal of Gaberdiel-Hohenegger-Volpato that K3-Mathieu Moonshine lifts to the Conway group Co1.

Perturbative terms of Kac-Moody-Eisenstein series

P. Fleig, A. Kleinschmidt

Supersymmetric theories of gravity can exhibit surprising hidden symmetries when considered on manifolds that include a torus. When the torus is of large dimension these symmetries can become infinite-dimensional and of Kac-Moody type. When taking quantum effects into account the symmetries become discrete and invariant functions under these symmetries should play an important role in quantum gravity. The new results here concern surprising simplifications in the constant terms of very particular Eisenstein series on the these Kac-Moody groups. These are exactly the cases that are expected to arise in string theory.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tangles, Generalized Reidemeister Moves, and Three-Dimensional Mirror Symmetry

C. Cordova, S. Espahbodi, B. Haghighat, A. Rastogi, C. Vafa

Three-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories are constructed by compactifying M5-branes on three-manifolds. In the infrared the branes recombine, and the physics is captured by a single M5-brane on a branched cover of the original ultraviolet geometry. The branch locus is a tangle, a one-dimensional knotted submanifold of the ultraviolet geometry. A choice of branch sheet for this cover yields a Lagrangian for the theory, and varying the branch sheet provides dual descriptions. Massless matter arises from vanishing size M2-branes and appears as singularities of the tangle where branch lines collide. Massive deformations of the field theory correspond to resolutions of singularities resulting in distinct smooth manifolds connected by geometric transitions. A generalization of Reidemeister moves for singular tangles captures mirror symmetries of the underlying theory yielding a geometric framework where dualities are manifest.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Modular Subgroups, Dessins d'Enfants and Elliptic K3 Surfaces

Y.-H. He, J. McKay, J. Read

We consider the 33 genus zero, torsion-free modular subgroups, computing ramification data and Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants. In the particular case of the index 36 subgroups, the corresponding Calabi-Yau threefolds are identified, in analogy with the index 24 cases being associated with K3 surfaces. In a parallel vein, we study the 112 semi-stable elliptic fibrations over P^1 as extremal K3 surfaces with six singular fibres. In each case, the corresponding modular subgroup is identified by showing its generators.