Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New N=1 dualities from orientifold transitions - Part I: Field Theory

I. García-Etxebarria, B. Heidenreich, T. Wrase

We report on a broad new class of N=1 gauge theory dualities which relate the worldvolume gauge theories of D3 branes probing different orientifolds of the same Calabi-Yau singularity. In this paper, we focus on the simplest example of these new dualities, arising from the orbifold singularity C^3/Z_3. We present extensive checks of the duality, including anomaly matching, partial moduli space matching, matching of discrete symmetries, and matching of the superconformal indices between the proposed duals. We then present a related duality for the dP_1 singularity, as well as dualities for the F_0 and Y^{4,0} singularities, illustrating the breadth of this new class of dualities. In a companion paper, we show that certain infinite classes of geometries which include C^3/Z_3 and dP_1 all exhibit such dualities, and argue that their ten-dimensional origin is the SL(2,Z) self-duality of type IIB string theory.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Superconformal Partition Functions and Non-perturbative Topological Strings

G. Lockhart, C. Vafa

We propose a non-perturbative definition for refined topological strings. This can be used to compute the partition function of superconformal theories in 5 dimensions on squashed S^5 and the superconformal index of a large number of 6 dimensional (2,0) and (1,0) theories, including that of N coincident M5 branes. The result can be expressed as an integral over the product of three combinations of topological string amplitudes. SL(3,Z) modular transformations acting by inverting the coupling constants of the refined topological string play a key role.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nekrasov's partition function and refined Donaldson--Thomas theory: the rank one case

B. Szendroi

This paper studies geometric engineering, in the simplest possible case of rank one (abelian) gauge theory on the affine plane and the resolved conifold. We recall the identification between Nekrasov's partition function and a version of refined Donaldson--Thomas theory, and study the relationship between the underlying vector spaces. Using a purity result, we identify the vector space underlying refined Donaldson--Thomas theory on the conifold geometry as the exterior space of the space of polynomial functions on the affine plane, with the (Lefschetz) SL(2)-action on the threefold side being dual to the geometric SL(2)-action on the affine plane. We suggest that the exterior space should be a module for the (explicitly not yet known) Cohomological Hall Algebra (algebra of BPS states) of the conifold.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bipartita: Physics, Geometry & Number Theory


Y.-H. He

Bipartite graphs, especially drawn on Riemann surfaces, have of late assumed an active role in theoretical physics, ranging from MHV scattering amplitudes to brane tilings, from dimer models and topological strings to toric AdS/CFT, from matrix models to dessins d'enfants in gauge theory. Here, we take a brief and casual promenade in the realm of brane tilings, quiver SUSY gauge theories and dessins, serving as a rapid introduction to the reader.

The refined BPS index from stable pair invariants

J. Choi, S. Katz, A. Klemm

A refinement of the stable pair invariants of Pandharipande and Thomas for non-compact Calabi-Yau spaces is introduced based on a virtual Bialynicki-Birula decomposition with respect to a C* action on the stable pair moduli space, or alternatively the equivariant index of Nekrasov and Okounkov. This effectively calculates the refined index for M-theory reduced on these Calabi-Yau geometries. Based on physical expectations we propose a product formula for the refined invariants extending the motivic product formula of Morrison, Mozgovoy, Nagao, and Szendroi for local P^1. We explicitly compute refined invariants in low degree for local P^2 and local P^1 x P^1 and check that they agree with the predictions of the direct integration of the generalized holomorphic anomaly and with the product formula. The modularity of the expressions obtained in the direct integration approach allows us to relate the generating function of refined PT invariants on appropriate geometries to Nekrasov's partition function and a refinement of Chern-Simons theory on a lens space. We also relate our product formula to wallcrossing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The open Gromov-Witten-Welschinger theory of blowups of the projective plane

A. Horev, J.P. Solomon

We compute the Welschinger invariants of blowups of the projective plane at an arbitrary conjugation invariant configuration of points. Specifically, open analogues of the WDVV equation and Kontsevich-Manin axioms lead to a recursive algorithm that reconstructs all the invariants from a small set of known invariants. Example computations are given, including the non-del Pezzo case.

Monday, October 15, 2012

BPS Degeneracies and Superconformal Index in Diverse Dimensions

A. Iqbal, C. Vafa

We present a unifying theme relating BPS partition functions and superconformal indices. In the case with complex SUSY central charges (as in N=2 in d=4 and N=(2,2) in d=2) the known results can be reinterpreted as the statement that the BPS partition functions can be used to compute a specialization of the superconformal indices. We argue that in the case with real central charge in the supersymmetry algebra, as in N=1 in d=5 (or the N=2 in d=3), the BPS degeneracy captures the full superconformal index. Furthermore, we argue that refined topological strings, which captures 5d BPS degeneracies of M-theory on CY 3-folds, can be used to compute 5d supersymmetric index including in the sectors with 3d defects for a large class of 5d superconformal theories. Moreover, we provide evidence that distinct Calabi-Yau singularities which are expected to lead to the same SCFT yield the same index.

Spectral curves and the Schroedinger equations for the Eynard-Orantin recursion


M. Mulase, P. Sulkowski

It is predicted that the principal specialization of the partition function of a B-model topological string theory, that is mirror dual to an A-model enumerative geometry problem, satisfies a Schroedinger equation, and that the characteristic variety of the Schroedinger operator gives the spectral curve of the B-model theory, when an algebraic K-theory obstruction vanishes. In this paper we present two concrete mathematical A-model examples whose mirror dual partners exhibit these predicted features on the B-model side. The A-model examples we discuss are the generalized Catalan numbers of an arbitrary genus and the single Hurwitz numbers. In each case, we show that the Laplace transform of the counting functions satisfies the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion, that the B-model partition function satisfies the KP equations, and that the principal specialization of the partition function satisfies a Schroedinger equation whose total symbol is exactly the Lagrangian immersion of the spectral curve of the Eynard-Orantin theory.

The Laplace transform, mirror symmetry, and the topological recursion of Eynard-Orantin

M. Mulase

This paper is based on the author's talk at the 2012 Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics held in Bialowieza, Poland. The aim of the talk is to introduce the audience to the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion. The formalism is originated in random matrix theory. It has been predicted, and in some cases it has been proven, that the theory provides an effective mechanism to calculate certain quantum invariants and a solution to enumerative geometry problems, such as open Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds, single and double Hurwitz numbers, the number of lattice points on the moduli space of smooth algebraic curves, and quantum knot invariants. In this paper we use the Laplace transform of generalized Catalan numbers of an arbitrary genus as an example, and present the Eynard-Orantin recursion. We examine various aspects of the theory, such as its relations to mirror symmetry, Gromov-Witten invariants, integrable hierarchies such as the KP equations, and the Schroedinger equations.

Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series for Symmetrizable Kac-Moody Root Systems

K.-H. Lee, Y. Zhang

Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series, introduced by Brubaker, Bump, Chinta, Friedberg and Hoffstein, are expected to be Whittaker coefficients of Eisenstein series on metaplectic groups. Chinta and Gunnells constructed these multiple Dirichlet series for all the finite root systems using the method of averaging a Weyl group action on the field of rational functions. In this paper, we generalize Chinta and Gunnells' work and construct Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series for the root systems associated with symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras, and establish their functional equations and meromorphic continuation.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Refined Chern-Simons Theory and Topological String

M. Aganagic, S. Shakirov

We show that refined Chern-Simons theory and large N duality can be used to study the refined topological string with and without branes. We derive the refined topological vertex of hep-th/0701156 and hep-th/0502061 from a link invariant of the refined SU(N) Chern-Simons theory on S^3, at infinite N. Quiver-like Chern-Simons theories, arising from Calabi-Yau manifolds with branes wrapped on several minimal S^3's, give a dual description of a large class of toric Calabi-Yau. We use this to derive the refined topological string amplitudes on a toric Calabi-Yau containing a shrinking P^2 surface. The result is suggestive of the refined topological vertex formalism for arbitrary toric Calabi-Yau manifolds in terms of a pair of vertices and a choice of a Morse flow on the toric graph, determining the vertex decomposition. The dependence on the flow is reminiscent of the approach to the refined topological string in upcoming work of Nekrasov and Okounkov. As a byproduct, we show that large N duality of the refined topological string explains the ``mirror symmetry`` of the refined colored HOMFLY invariants of knots.

5D SYM and 2D q-Deformed YM

Y. Fukuda, T. Kawano, N. Matsumiya

We study the AGT-like conjectured relation of a four-dimensional gauge theory on the direct product of a three-sphere and a circle to two-dimensional q-deformed Yang-Mills theory on a Riemann surface by using a five-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the direct product of the three-sphere and the Riemann surface, following the conjectured relation of the six-dimensional N=(2,0) theory on the circle to the five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Our results are in perfect agreement with both of the conjectures.

Refined Topological Strings and Toric Calabi-Yau Threefolds

Amer Iqbal, Can Kozcaz

The refined topological vertex formulation computes the refined topological string partition function for non-compact toric Calabi-Yau threefolds which engineer N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories. For geometries such as the local P^2, which do not give rise to gauge theories, the refined topological vertex alone is not sufficient for directly calculating the refined amplitudes. In this paper, we extend the refined topological vertex formalism and propose a complementary new vertex which, together with the refined topological vertex, determines the refined amplitudes for all toric Calabi-Yau threefolds.

Rademacher Sums and Rademacher Series

We exposit the construction of Rademacher sums in arbitrary weights and describe their relationship to mock modular forms. We introduce the notion of Rademacher series and describe several applications, including the determination of coefficients of Rademacher sums and a very general form of Zagier duality. We then review the application of Rademacher sums and series to moonshine both monstrous and umbral and highlight several open problems. We conclude with a discussion of the interpretation of Rademacher sums in physics.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Refined Black Hole Ensembles and Topological Strings

M. Aganagic, K. Schaeffer

We formulate a refined version of the Ooguri-Strominger-Vafa (OSV) conjecture. The OSV conjecture that Z_{BH} = Z_{top}^2 relates the BPS black hole partition function to the topological string partition function Z_{top}. In the refined conjecture, Z_{BH} is the partition function of BPS black holes counted with spin, or more precisely the protected spin character. Z_{top} becomes the partition function of the refined topological string, which is itself an index. Both the original and the refined conjecture are examples of large N duality in the 't Hooft sense. The refined conjecture applies to non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds only, so the black holes are really BPS particles with large entropy, of order N^2. The refined OSV conjecture states that the refined BPS partition function has a large N dual which is captured by the refined topological string. We provide evidence that the conjecture holds by studying local Calabi-Yau threefolds consisting of line bundles over a genus g Riemann surface. We show that the refined topological string partition function on these geometries is computed by a two-dimensional TQFT. We also study the refined black hole partition function arising from N D4 branes on the Calabi-Yau, and argue that it reduces to a (q,t)-deformed version of two-dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills. Finally, we show that in the large N limit this theory factorizes to the square of the refined topological string in accordance with the refined OSV conjecture.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

On the Poincaré series of Kac-Moody Lie algebras

J. Chunhua, Z. Xu-an

In this paper, we discuss the Poincar\'{e} series of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, especially for indefinite type. Firstly, we compute the Poincar\'{e} series of certain indefinite Kac-Moody Lie algebras whose Cartan matrices have the same type of $2\times 2$ principal sub-matrices. Secondly, we show that the Poincar\'{e} series of Kac-Moody Lie algebras satisfy certain interesting properties. Lastly we give some applications of the Poincar\'{e} series to other fields. Particularly we construct some counter examples to a conjecture of Victor Kac\cite{Kac_85} and a conjecture of Chapavalov, Leites and Stekolshchik\cite{CDR_10}.

Friday, October 5, 2012

3d superconformal indices and isomorphisms of M2-brane theories

M. Honda, Y. Honma

We test several expected isomorphisms between the U(N)xU(N) ABJM theory and (SU(N)xSU(N))/Z_N theory including the BLG theory by comparing their superconformal indices. From moduli space analysis, it is expected that this equivalence can hold if and only if the rank N and Chern-Simons level k are coprime. We also calculate the index of the ABJ theory and investigate whether some theories with identical moduli spaces are isomorphic or not .

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quantum McKay correspondence and global dimensions for fusion and module-categories associated with Lie groups

Robert Coquereaux

Global dimensions for fusion categories defined by a pair (G,k), where G is a Lie group and k a positive integer, are expressed in terms of Lie quantum superfactorial functions. The global dimension is defined as the square sum of quantum dimensions of simple objects, for the category of integrable modules over an affine Lie algebra at some level. The same quantities can also be defined from the theory of quantum groups at roots of unity or from conformal field theory WZW models. Similar results are also presented for those associated module-categories that can be obtained via conformal embeddings (they are "quantum subgroups" of a particular kind). Some calculations use the correspondence existing between periodic quivers for simply-laced Lie groups and fusion rules for module-categories of type SU(2).