Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups over function fields

K.-H. Lee, P. Lombardo

H. Garland constructed Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups over the field of real numbers. He established the almost everywhere convergence of these series, obtained a formula for their constant terms, and proved a functional equation for the constant terms. In a subsequent paper, the convergence of the Eisenstein series was obtained. In this paper, we define Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups over global function fields using an adelic approach. In the course of proving the convergence of these Eisenstein series, we also calculate a formula for the constant terms and prove their convergence and functional equations.

The Gerby Gopakumar-Mariño-Vafa Formula

D. Ross

We prove a formula for certain cubic $\Z_n$-Hodge integrals in terms of colored Schur functions. We use this identity to prove the Gromov-Witten/Donaldson-Thomas correspondence for local $\Z_n$-gerbes over $\proj^1$.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Quantum Black Holes, Wall Crossing, and Mock Modular Forms

A. Dabholkar, S. Murthy, D. Zagier

We show that the meromorphic Jacobi form that counts the quarter-BPS states in N=4 string theories can be canonically decomposed as a sum of a mock Jacobi form and an Appell-Lerch sum. The quantum degeneracies of single-centered black holes are Fourier coefficients of this mock Jacobi form, while the Appell-Lerch sum captures the degeneracies of multi-centered black holes which decay upon wall-crossing. The completion of the mock Jacobi form restores the modular symmetries expected from $AdS_3/CFT_2$ holography but has a holomorphic anomaly reflecting the non-compactness of the microscopic CFT. For every positive integral value m of the magnetic charge invariant of the black hole, our analysis leads to a special mock Jacobi form of weight two and index m, which we characterize uniquely up to a Jacobi cusp form. This family of special forms and another closely related family of weight-one forms contain almost all the known mock modular forms including the mock theta functions of Ramanujan, the generating function of Hurwitz-Kronecker class numbers, the mock modular forms appearing in the Mathieu and Umbral moonshine, as well as an infinite number of new examples.

Monday, August 20, 2012

On the positivity of black hole degeneracies in string theory

K. Bringmann, S. Murthy

Certain helicity trace indices of charged states in N=4 and N=8 superstring theory have been computed exactly using their explicit weakly coupled microscopic description. These indices are expected to count the exact quantum degeneracies of black holes carrying the same charges. In order for this interpretation to be consistent, these indices should be positive integers. We prove this positivity property for a class of four/five dimensional black holes in type II string theory compactified on T^6/T^5 and on K3 \times T^2/S^1. The proof relies on the mock modular properties of the corresponding generating functions.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Powers of M24-twisted Siegel product expansions are modular

Martin Raum

We prove that several product expansions suggested by Cheng and Ducan are Siegel modular forms. They arising form twists of elliptic genera of symmetric powers of K3 surfaces. Our result shows that they can be represented as products of rescaled Borcherds products.

Gopakumar-Vafa BPS invariants, Hilbert schemes and quasimodular forms. I

Shuai Guo, Jian Zhou

We prove a closed formula for leading Gopakumar- Vafa BPS invariants of local Calabi-Yau geometries given by the canonical line bundles of toric Fano surfaces. It shares some similar features with Goettsche-Yau-Zaslow formula: Connection with Hilbert schemes, connection with quasimodular forms, and quadratic property after suitable transformation. In Part I of this paper we will present the case of projective plane, more general cases will be presented in Part II.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A wall-crossing formula for Gromov-Witten invariants under variation of git quotient

Eduardo Gonzalez, Chris T. Woodward

We prove a quantum (that is, Gromov-Witten) version of Kalkman's wall-crossing formula comparing intersection pairings on geometric invariant theory (git) quotients related by a change in polarization, under certain stable=semistable assumptions. The wall-crossing terms are gauged Gromov-Witten invariants with smaller structure group. As an application, we show that the graph Gromov-Witten potentials of quotients related by wall-crossings of crepant type are equivalent up to a distribution in the quantum parameter that is almost everywhere zero. This is a version of the crepant transformation conjecture of Li-Ruan, Bryan-Graber, Coates-Ruan etc. in cases where the crepant transformation is obtained by variation of git.

Sato-Tate theorem for families and low-lying zeros of automorphic $L$-functions

Sug-Woo Shin, Nicolas Templier

We consider certain families of automorphic representations over number fields arising from the principle of functoriality of Langlands. Let $G$ be a reductive group over a number field $F$ which admits discrete series representations at infinity. Let $^{L}G=\hat G \rtimes \mathrm{Gal}(\bar F/F)$ be the associated $L$-group and $r:{}^L G\to \mathrm{GL}(d,\mathbb{C})$ a continuous homomorphism which is irreducible and does not factor through $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar F/F)$. The families under consideration consist of discrete automorphic representations of $G(\mathbb{A}_F)$ of given weight and level and we let either the weight or the level grow to infinity.
We establish a quantitative Plancherel and a quantitative Sato-Tate equidistribution theorem for the Satake parameters of these families. This generalizes earlier results in the subject, notably of Sarnak [Progr. Math. 70 (1987), 321--331.] and Serre [J. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (1997), no. 1, 75--102.].
As an application we study the distribution of the low-lying zeros of the associated family of $L$-functions $L(s,\pi,r)$, assuming from the principle of functoriality that these $L$-functions are automorphic. We find that the distribution of the 1-level densities coincides with the distribution of the 1-level densities of eigenvalues of one of the Unitary, Symplectic and Orthogonal ensembles, in accordance with the Katz-Sarnak heuristics.
We provide a criterion based on the Frobenius--Schur indicator to determine this Symmetry type. If $r$ is not isomorphic to its dual $r^\vee$ then the Symmetry type is Unitary. Otherwise there is a bilinear form on $\mathbb{C}^d$ which realizes the isomorphism between $r$ and $r^\vee$. If the bilinear form is symmetric (resp. alternating) then $r$ is real (resp. quaternionic) and the Symmetry type is Symplectic (resp. Orthogonal).