The fake monster Lie algebra is determined by the Borcherds function Phi_{12} which is the reflective modular form of the minimal possible weight with respect to O(II_{2,26}). We prove that the first non-zero Fourier-Jacobi coefficient of Phi_{12} in any of 23 Niemeier cusps is equal to the Weyl-Kac denominator function of the affine Lie algebra of the root system of the corresponding Niemeier lattice. This is an automorphic answer (in the case of the fake monster Lie algebra) on the old question of I. Frenkel and A. Feingold (1983) about possible relations between hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras, Siegel modular forms and affine Lie algebras.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Numerical Algebraic Geometry: A New Perspective on String and Gauge Theories
The interplay rich between algebraic geometry and string and gauge theories has recently been immensely aided by advances in computational algebra. However, these symbolic (Gr\"{o}bner) methods are severely limited by algorithmic issues such as exponential space complexity and being highly sequential. In this paper, we introduce a novel paradigm of numerical algebraic geometry which in a plethora of situations overcomes these short-comings. Its so-called 'embarrassing parallelizability' allows us to solve many problems and extract physical information which elude the symbolic methods. We describe the method and then use it to solve various problems arising from physics which could not be otherwise solved.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Seiberg-Witten prepotential for E-string theory and random partitions
We find a Nekrasov-type expression for the Seiberg-Witten prepotential for the six-dimensional non-critical E_8 string theory toroidally compactified down to four dimensions. The prepotential represents the BPS partition function of the E_8 strings wound around one of the circles of the toroidal compactification with general winding numbers and momenta. We show that our expression exhibits expected modular properties. In particular, we prove that it obeys the modular anomaly equation known to be satisfied by the prepotential.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Volume Conjecture: Refined and Categorified
The generalized volume conjecture relates asymptotic behavior of the colored Jones polynomials to objects naturally defined on an algebraic curve, the zero locus of the A-polynomial $A(x,y)$. Another "family version" of the volume conjecture depends on a quantization parameter, usually denoted $q$ or $\hbar$; this quantum volume conjecture (also known as the AJ-conjecture) can be stated in a form of a q-difference equation that annihilates the colored Jones polynomials and $SL(2,\C)$ Chern-Simons partition functions. We propose refinements / categorifications of both conjectures that include an extra deformation parameter $t$ and describe similar properties of homological knot invariants and refined BPS invariants. Much like their unrefined / decategorified predecessors, that correspond to $t=-1$, the new volume conjectures involve objects naturally defined on an algebraic curve $A^{ref} (x,y; t)$ obtained by a particular deformation of the A-polynomial, and its quantization $\hat A^{ref} (\hat x, \hat y; q, t)$. We compute both classical and quantum t-deformed curves in a number of examples coming from colored knot homologies and refined BPS invariants.
Monday, March 12, 2012
A trio of Bernoulli relations, their implications for the Ramanujan polynomials and the zeta constants
We study the interplay between recurrences for zeta related functions at integer values, `Minor Corner Lattice' Toeplitz determinants and integer composition based sums. Our investigations touch on functional identities due to Ramanujan and Grosswald, the transcendence of the zeta function at odd integer values, the Li Criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis and pseudo-characteristic polynomials for zeta related functions. We begin with a result of Lettington's and some seemingly new Bernoulli relations, which we use to obtain a generalised Ramanujan polynomial and properties thereof.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A $(-q)$-analogue of weight multiplicities
We prove a conjecture in \cite{L} stating that certain polynomials $P^{\sigma}_{y,w}(q)$ introduced in \cite{LV1} for twisted involutions in an affine Weyl group give $(-q)$-analogues of weight multiplicities of the Langlands dual group $\check{G}$. We also prove that the signature of a naturally defined hermitian form on each irreducible representation of $\check{G}$ can be expressed in terms of these polynomials $P^{\sigma}_{y,w}(q)$.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Universality in Chern-Simons theory
We show that the perturbative part of the partition function in the Chern-Simons theory on a 3-sphere as well as the central charge and expectation value of the unknotted Wilson loop in the adjoint representation can be expressed in terms of the universal Vogel's parameters $\alpha, \beta, \gamma.$ The derivation is based on certain generalisations of the Freudenthal-de Vries strange formula.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Comment on integrability in Dijkgraaf-Vafa beta-ensembles
We briefly discuss the recent claims that the ordinary KP/Toda integrability, which is a characteristic property of ordinary eigenvalue matrix models, persists also for the Dijkgraaf-Vafa (DV) partition functions and for the refined topological vertex. We emphasize that in both cases what is meant is a particular representation of partition functions: a peculiar sum over all DV phases in the first case and hiding the deformation parameters in a sophisticated potential in the second case, i.e. essentially a reformulation of some questions in the new theory in the language of the old one. It is at best obscure if this treatment can be made consistent with the AGT relations and even with the quantization of the underlying integrable systems in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit, which seem to require a full-scale beta-deformation of individual DV partition functions. Thus, it is unclear if the story of integrability is indeed closed by these recent considerations.
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