Let W be an infinite Coxeter group. We initiate the study of the set E of limit points of "normalized" positive roots (representing the directions of the roots) of W. We show that E is contained in the isotropic cone of the bilinear form B associated to a geometric representation, and illustrate this property with numerous examples and pictures in rank 3 and 4. We also define a natural geometric action of W on E, and then we exhibit a countable subset of E, formed by limit points for the dihedral reflection subgroups of W. We explain that this subset can be built from the intersection with Q of the lines passing through two positive roots, and we establish that it is dense in E.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
N=2 Quantum Field Theories and Their BPS Quivers
We explore the relationship between four-dimensional N=2 quantum field theories and their associated BPS quivers. For a wide class of theories including super-Yang-Mills theories, Argyres-Douglas models, and theories defined by M5-branes on punctured Riemann surfaces, there exists a quiver which implicitly characterizes the field theory. We study various aspects of this correspondence including the quiver interpretation of flavor symmetries, gauging, decoupling limits, and field theory dualities. In general a given quiver describes only a patch of the moduli space of the field theory, and a key role is played by quantum mechanical dualities, encoded by quiver mutations, which relate distinct quivers valid in different patches. Analyzing the consistency conditions imposed on the spectrum by these dualities results in a powerful and novel mutation method for determining the BPS states. We apply our method to determine the BPS spectrum in a wide class of examples, including the strong coupling spectrum of super-Yang-Mills with an ADE gauge group and fundamental matter, and trinion theories defined by M5-branes on spheres with three punctures.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Equivalence of Three Wall Crossing Formulae
The wall crossing formula of Kontsevich and Soibelman gives an implicit relation between the BPS indices on two sides of the wall of marginal stability by equating two symplectomorphisms constructed from the indices on two sides of the wall. The wall crossing formulae of Manschot, Pioline and the author give two apparently different explicit expressions for the BPS index on one side of the wall in terms of the BPS indices on the other side. We prove the equivalence of all the three formulae.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Colored BPS Pyramid Partition Functions, Quivers and Cluster Transformations
We investigate the connections between flavored quivers, dimer models, and BPS pyramids for generic toric Calabi-Yau threefolds from various perspectives. We introduce a purely field theoretic definition of both finite and infinite pyramids in terms of quivers with flavors. These pyramids are associated to the counting of BPS invariants for generic toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. We discuss how cluster transformations provide an efficient recursive method for computing pyramid partition functions and show that the recursion is equivalent to the multidimensional octahedron recurrence. Transitions between different pyramids are related to Seiberg dualities, and we offer complimentary characterizations of these transitions in terms of the motion of zonotopes and duality webs. Our methods apply to completely general geometries including those with vanishing 4-cycles, which are associated to chiral quivers, thus overcoming one of the main limitations in the existing literature. We illustrate our ideas with explicit results for the infinite family of L^{a,b,c} geometries, dP_2, pseudo-dP_2, and dP_3. The counting of pyramid partitions for dP_1 gives rise to the Somos-4 sequence, while dP_2 and pseudo-dP_2 generate the Somos-5 sequence. Our results for dP_3 reproduce and extend those previously obtained for this theory, which were originally obtained from dimer shuffling.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Homological algebra of knots and BPS states
It is known that knot homologies admit a physical description as spaces of open BPS states. We study operators and algebras acting on these spaces. This leads to a very rich story, which involves wall crossing phenomena, algebras of closed BPS states acting on spaces of open BPS states, and deformations of Landau-Ginzburg models. One important application to knot homologies is the existence of "colored differentials" that relate homological invariants of knots colored by different representations. Based on this structure, we formulate a list of properties of the colored HOMFLY homology that categorifies the colored HOMFLY polynomial. By calculating the colored HOMFLY homology for symmetric and anti-symmetric representations, we find a remarkable "mirror symmetry" between these triply-graded theories.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Large N duality, lagrangian cycles, and algebraic knots
We consider knot invariants in the context of large $N$ transitions of topological strings. In particular we consider aspects of Lagrangian cycles associated to knots in the conifold geometry. We show how these can be explicity constructed in the case of algebraic knots. We use this explicit construction to explain a recent conjecture relating study of stable pairs on algebraic curves with HOMFLY polynomials. Furthermore, for torus knots, using the explicit construction of the Lagrangian cycle, we also give a direct A-model computation and recover the HOMFLY polynomial for this case.
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