We perform an exact localization calculation for the expectation values of Wilson-'t Hooft line operators in N=2 gauge theories on S^1xR^3. The expectation values are naturally expressed in terms of the complexified Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates, and form a quantum mechanically deformed algebra of functions on the associated Hitchin moduli space by Moyal multiplication. We propose that these expectation values are the Weyl transform of the Verlinde operators, which act on Liouville/Toda conformal blocks as difference operators. We demonstrate our proposal explicitly in SU(N) examples.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Topological string amplitudes for the local half K3 surface
We study topological string amplitudes for the local half K3 surface. We develop a method of computing higher genus amplitudes along the lines of the direct integration formalism, making full use of the Seiberg-Witten curve expressed in terms of modular forms and E_8-invariant Jacobi forms. The Seiberg-Witten curve was constructed previously for the low-energy effective theory of the non-critical E-string theory in R^4 x T^2. We clarify how the amplitudes are written as polynomials in a finite number of generators expressed in terms of the Seiberg-Witten curve. We determine the coefficients of the polynomials by solving the holomorphic anomaly equation and the gap condition and construct the amplitudes explicitly up to genus three. The results encompass topological string amplitudes for all local del Pezzo surfaces.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Vector-Valued Modular Forms from the Mumford Form, Schottky-Igusa Form, Product of Thetanullwerte and the Amazing Klein Formula
Vector-valued Siegel modular forms are the natural generalization of the classical elliptic modular forms as seen by studying the cohomology of the universal abelian variety. We show that for g>=4, a new class of vector-valued modular forms, defined on the Teichmuller space, naturally appears from the Mumford forms, a question directly related to the Schottky problem. In this framework we show that the discriminant of the quadric associated to the complex curves of genus 4 is proportional to the square root of the products of Thetanullwerte \chi_{68}, which is a proof of the recently rediscovered Klein `amazing formula'. Furthermore, it turns out that the coefficients of such a quadric are derivatives of the Schottky-Igusa form evaluated at the Jacobian locus, implying new theta relations involving the latter, \chi_{68} and the theta series corresponding to the even unimodular lattices E_8\oplus E_8 and D_{16}^+. We also find, for g=4, a functional relation between the singular component of the theta divisor and the Riemann period matrix.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Small representations, string instantons, and Fourier modes of Eisenstein series (with an appendix by D. Ciubotaru and P. Trapa)
This paper concerns some novel features of maximal parabolic Eisenstein series at certain special values of their analytic parameter s. These series arise as coefficients in the R4 and D4R4 interactions in the low energy expansion of scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric string theory reduced to D=10-d dimensions on a torus T^d, d<8. For each d these amplitudes are automorphic functions on the rank d+1 symmetry group E_d+1. Of particular significance is the orbit content of the Fourier modes of these series when expanded in three different parabolic subgroups, corresponding to certain limits of string theory. This is of interest in the classification of a variety of instantons that correspond to minimal or next-to-minimal BPS orbits. In the limit of decompactification from D to D+1 dimensions many such instantons are related to charged 1/2-BPS or 1/4-BPS black holes with euclidean world-lines wrapped around the large dimension. In a different limit the instantons give nonperturbative corrections to string perturbation theory, while in a third limit they describe nonperturbative contributions in eleven-dimensional supergravity. A proof is given that these three distinct Fourier expansions have certain vanishing coefficients that are expected from string theory. In particular, the Eisenstein series for these special values of s have markedly fewer Fourier coefficients than typical ones. The corresponding mathematics involves showing that the wavefront sets of the Eisenstein series are supported on only certain coadjoint nilpotent orbits - just the minimal and trivial orbits in the 1/2-BPS case, and just the next-to-minimal, minimal and trivial orbits in the 1/4-BPS case. Thus as a byproduct we demonstrate that the next-to-minimal representations occur automorphically for E6, E7, and E8, and hence the first two nontrivial low energy coefficients are exotic theta-functions.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Stability spaces and quantum dilogarithms for (Calabi-Yau) Dynkin quivers
We study the spaces of stability conditions (in the sense of Bridgeland) for the bounded derived category of a Dynkin quiver Q and the finite-dimensional derived category of the Calabi-Yau-N Ginzburg algebra (a.k.a. N-preprojective algebra) associated to Q. We prove that such spaces are simply connected. In the Calabi-Yau case, we provide a topological realization of almost completed cluster tilting objects. Moreover, we give a combinatorial proof of the existence of Donanldson-Thomas invariants for Dynkin quivers.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Duality Invariant Actions and Generalised Geometry
We construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E(11) and its first fundamental representation at lowest order and appropriate to spacetime dimensions four to seven. This leads to a non-linear realisation of the duality groups and introduces fields that depend on a generalised space which possess a generalised vielbein. We focus on the part of the generalised space on which the duality groups alone act and construct an invariant action.
Higher derivative type II string effective actions, automorphic forms and E11
By dimensionally reducing the ten-dimensional higher derivative type IIA string theory effective action we place constraints on the automorphic forms that appear in the effective action in lower dimensions. We propose a number of properties of such automorphic forms and consider the prospects that E11 can play a role in the formulation of the higher derivative string theory effective action.
Refined Hopf Link Revisited
We establish a relation between the refined Hopf link invariant and the S-matrix of the refined Chern-Simons theory. We show that the refined open string partition function corresponding to the Hopf link, calculated using the refined topological vertex, when expressed in the basis of Macdonald polynomials gives the S-matrix of the refined Chern-Simons theory.
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