Recent progress in the understanding of the statistical nature of black hole entropy shows that the counting functions in certain classes of models are determined by automorphic forms of higher rank. In this paper we combine these results with Langlands' reciprocity conjecture to view black holes as probes of the geometry of spacetime. This point of view can be applied in any framework leading to automorphic forms, independently of the degree of supersymmetry of the models. In the present work we focus on the class of Chaudhuri-Hockney-Lykken compactifications defined as quotients associated to $\mathZ_N$ groups. We show that the black hole entropy of these CHL$_N$ models can be derived from elliptic motives, thereby providing the simplest possible geometric building blocks of the Siegel type entropy count.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
On Rademacher Sums, the Largest Mathieu Group, and the Holographic Modularity of Moonshine
Recently a conjecture has been proposed which attaches (mock) modular forms to the largest Mathieu group. This may be compared to monstrous moonshine, in which modular functions are attached to elements of the Monster group. One of the most remarkable aspects of monstrous moonshine is the following genus zero property: the modular functions turn out to be the generators for the function fields of their invariance groups. In particular, these invariance groups define genus zero quotients of the upper half plane. It is therefore natural to ask if there is an analogue of this property in the Mathieu case, and at first glance the answer appears to be negative since not all the discrete groups arising there have genus zero. On the other hand, in this article we prove that each (mock) modular form appearing in the Mathieu correspondence coincides with the Rademacher sum constructed from its polar part. This property, inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence in physics, was shown previously to be equivalent to the genus zero property of monstrous moonshine. Hence we conclude that this "Rademacher summability" property serves as the natural analogue of the genus zero property in the Mathieu case. Our result constitutes further evidence that the Rademacher method provides a powerful framework for understanding the modularity of moonshine, and leads to interesting physical questions regarding the gravitational duals of the relevant conformal field theories.
Generating new dualities through the orbifold equivalence: a demonstration in ABJM and four-dimensional quivers
We show that the recently proposed large $N$ equivalence between ABJM theories with Chern-Simons terms of different rank and level, U(N_1)_{k_1}\times U(N_1)_{-k_1} and U(N_2)_{k_2}\times U(N_2)_{-k_2}, but the same value of N' =N_1 k_1=N_2 k_2, can be explained using planar equivalence in the mirror duals. The combination of S-dualities and orbifold equivalence can be applied to other cases as well, with very appealing results. As an example we show that two different quiver theories with k nodes can be easily shown to be Seiberg dual through the orbifold equivalence, but it requires order k^2 steps to give a proof when Seiberg duality is performed node by node.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
ABJM theory as a Fermi gas
The partition function on the three-sphere of many supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories reduces, by localization, to a matrix model. We develop a new method to study these models in the M-theory limit, but at all orders in the 1/N expansion. The method is based on reformulating the matrix model as the partition function of an ideal Fermi gas with a non-trivial, one-particle quantum Hamiltonian. This new approach leads to a completely elementary derivation of the N^{3/2} behavior for ABJM theory and other quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories. In addition, the full series of 1/N corrections to the original matrix integral can be simply determined by a next-to-leading calculation in the WKB or semiclassical expansion of the quantum gas, and we show that, for several quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories, it is given by an Airy function. This generalizes a recent result of Fuji, Hirano and Moriyama for ABJM theory. It turns out that the semiclassical expansion of the Fermi gas corresponds to a strong coupling expansion in type IIA theory, and it is dual to the genus expansion. This allows us to calculate explicitly non-perturbative effects due to D0 and D2-brane instantons in the AdS background.
A Note on the Partition Function of ABJM theory on S^3
We study the partition function Z of U(N)_k x U(N)_{-k} Chern-Simons matter theory (ABJM theory) on S^3 which is recently obtained by the localization method. We evaluate the eigenvalue integral in Z exactly for the N=2 case. We find that Z behaves differently for even k and odd k. If k is odd, Z is written as a sum of two parts, which we call the bulk part and the orbifold part. If k is even, Z has only the orbifold part. We comment on the possible implication of this result in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Invariants of spectral curves and intersection theory of moduli spaces of complex curves
To any spectral curve S, we associate a topological class {\Lambda}(S) in a moduli space M^b_{g,n} of "b-colored" stable Riemann surfaces of given topology (genus g, n boundaries), whose integral coincides with the topological recursion invariants W_{g,n}(S) of the spectral curve S. This formula can be viewed as a generalization of the ELSV formula (whose spectral curve is the Lambert function and the associated class is the Hodge class), or Marino-Vafa formula (whose spectral curve is the mirror curve of the framed vertex, and the associated class is the product of 3 Hodge classes), but for an arbitrary spectral curve. In other words, to a B-model (i.e. a spectral curve) we systematically associate a mirror A-model (integral in a moduli space of "colored" Riemann surfaces). We find that the mirror map, i.e. the relationship between the A-model moduli and B-model moduli, is realized by the Laplace transform.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Calabi-Yau Three-folds: Poincare Polynomials and Fractals
We study the Poincare polynomials of all known Calabi-Yau three-folds as constrained polynomials of Littlewood type, thus generalising the well-known investigation into the distribution of the Euler characteristic and Hodge numbers. We find interesting fractal behaviour in the roots of these polynomials in relation to the existence of isometries, distribution versus typicality, and mirror symmetry.
Dualities for 3d Theories with Tensor Matter
We study dualities for ${\cal N}=2$ 3d Chern-Simons matter theories with gauge groups U/Sp/O, matter in the two-index tensor representations (adjoint/symmetric/antisymmetric) in addition to the fundamental representation, and a superpotential. These dualities are analogous to Kutasov-Schwimmer-Seiberg dualities in 4d. We test them by computing the superconformal index and the partition function on $S^3$ for many dual pairs and find perfect agreement. In some cases we find a simple dual description for theories with tensor matter and no superpotential, thereby generalizing the "Duality Appetizer" of Jafferis and Yin to an infinite class of theories. We also investigate nonperturbative truncation of the chiral ring proposed in the context of 4d dualities.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Braids, Walls, and Mirrors
We construct 3d, N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories by considering a one-parameter `R-flow' of 4d, N=2 theories, where the central charges vary while preserving their phase order. Each BPS state in 4d leads to a BPS particle in 3d, and thus each chamber of the 4d theory leads to a distinct 3d theory. Pairs of 4d chambers related by wall-crossing, R-flow to mirror pairs of 3d theories. In particular, the 2-3 wall-crossing for the A_2 Argyres-Douglas theory leads to 3d mirror symmetry for N_f=1 SQED and the XYZ model. Although our formalism applies to arbitrary N=2 models, we focus on the case where the parent 4d theory consists of pairs of M5-branes wrapping a Riemann surface, and develop a general framework for describing 3d N=2 theories engineered by wrapping pairs of M5-branes on three-manifolds. Each 4d chamber, which corresponds to a dual 3d description, maps to a particular tetrahedral decomposition of the UV 3d geometry. In the IR the physics is captured by a single recombined M5-brane which is a branched double cover of the original UV three-manifold. The braiding of branch loci and the geometry of branch sheets play a key role in encoding the physics.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Twisted modules for N=2 supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebras arising from finite automorphisms of the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz algebra
Twisted modules for N=2 supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebras are studied for the vertex operator superalgebra automorophisms which are lifts of a finite automorphism of the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz Lie superalgebra representation. Such vertex operator superalgebra automorphisms exist for free and lattice N=2 vertex operator superalgebras, and twisted sectors corresponding to these vertex operator superalgebra automorphisms are constructed for all of the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz Lie superalgebra automorphisms of finite order. These include the Ramond-twisted sectors and mirror-twisted sectors for N=2 vertex operator superalgebras, as well as twisted modules related to more general "spectral flow" representations of the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz algebra. As a consequence, we also construct the Ramond-twisted sectors for N=1 supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebras. We show that the lifting of the mirror automorphism for the N=2 Neveu-Schwarz algebra to an N=2 vertex operator superalgebra is not unique and that different mirror map vertex operator superalgebra automorphisms of an N=2 vertex operator superalgebra can lead to non-isomorphic mirror-twisted modules, as in the case of free and lattice N=2 vertex operator superalgebras.
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