Thursday, June 30, 2011

Unravelling Mathieu Moonshine

The D1-D5-KK-p system naturally provides an infinite dimensional module graded by the dyonic charges whose dimensions are counted by the Igusa cusp form, Phi_{10}(Z)$. We show that the Mathieu group, M_{24}, acts on this module by recovering the Siegel modular forms that count twisted dyons as a trace over this module. This is done by recovering Borcherds product formulae for these modular forms using the M_{24} action. This establishes the correspondence (`moonshine') proposed in arXiv:0907.1410 that relates conjugacy classes of M_{24} to Siegel modular forms. This also, in a sense that we make precise, subsumes existing moonshines for M_{24} that relates its conjugacy classes to eta-products and Jacobi forms.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BPS states, crystals and matrices

We review free fermion, melting crystal and matrix model representations of wall-crossing phenomena on local, toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. We consider both unrefined and refined BPS counting of closed BPS states involving D2 and D0-branes bound to a D6-brane, as well as open BPS states involving open D2-branes ending on an additional D4-brane. Appropriate limit of these constructions provides, among the others, matrix model representation of refined and unrefined topological string amplitudes.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Matter and singularities

We analyze the structure of matter representations arising from codimension two singularities in F-theory, focusing on gauge groups SU(N). We give a detailed local description of the geometry associated with several types of singularities and the associated matter representations. We also construct global F-theory models for 6D and 4D theories containing these matter representations. The codimension two singularities encountered include examples where the apparent Kodaira singularity type does not need to be completely resolved to produce a smooth Calabi-Yau, examples with rank enhancement by more than one, and examples where the 7-brane configuration is singular. We identify novel phase transitions, in some of which the gauge group remains fixed but the singularity type and associated matter content change along a continuous family of theories. Global analysis of 6D theories on P^2 with 7-branes wrapped on curves of small degree reproduces the range of 6D supergravity theories identified through anomaly cancellation and other consistency conditions. Analogous 4D models are constructed through global F-theory compactifications on P^3, and have a similar pattern of SU(N) matter content. This leads to a constraint on the matter content of a limited class of 4D supergravity theories containing SU(N) as a local factor of the gauge group.

Knot Invariants from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory

It has been argued based on electric-magnetic duality and other ingredients that the Jones polynomial of a knot in three dimensions can be computed by counting the solutions of certain gauge theory equations in four dimensions. Here, we attempt to verify this directly by analyzing the equations and counting their solutions, without reference to any quantum dualities. After suitably perturbing the equations to make their behavior more generic, we are able to get a fairly clear understanding of how the Jones polynomial emerges. The main ingredient in the argument is a link between the four-dimensional gauge theory equations in question and conformal blocks for degenerate representations of the Virasoro algebra in two dimensions. Along the way we get a better understanding of how our subject is related to a variety of new and old topics in mathematical physics, ranging from the Bethe ansatz for the Gaudin spin chain to the $M$-theory description of BPS monopoles and the relation between Chern-Simons gauge theory and Virasoro conformal blocks.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

|Z_{Kup}|=|Z_{Henn}|^2} for Lens spaces

M.\ Hennings and G.\ Kuperberg defined quantum invariants Z_{Henn} and Z_{Kup} of oriented 3-manifolds based on certain Hopf algebras, respectively. We prove that Z_{Kup}=Z_{Henn}^2 for lens spaces when both invariants are based on factorizable finite dimensional ribbon Hopf algebras. Recently a fermionic generalization of the Turaev-Viro state sum TQFTs is proposed using Grassmann variables. We conjecture that the Kuperberg invariants for non-semisimple Hopf algebras are the partition functions of such "TQFTs for fermion systems".

Adelization of Automorphic Distributions and Mirabolic Eisenstein Series

Automorphic representations can be studied in terms of the embeddings of abstract models of representations into spaces of functions on Lie groups that are invariant under discrete subgroups. In this paper we describe an adelic framework to describe them for the group GL(n,R), and provide a detailed analysis of the automorphic distributions associated to the mirabolic Eisenstein series. We give an explicit functional equation for some distributional pairings involving this mirabolic Eisenstein distribution, and the action of intertwining operators.

Categorification of highest weight modules over quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras

Let $U_q(\g)$ be a quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebra and let $V(\Lambda)$ be the integrable highest weight $U_q(\g)$-module with highest weight $\Lambda$. We prove that the cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebra $R^\Lambda$ provides a categorification of $V(\Lambda)$.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Partition Functions of Holographic Minimal Models

The partition function of the W_N minimal model CFT is computed in the large N 't Hooft limit and compared to the spectrum of the proposed holographic dual, a 3d higher spin gravity theory coupled to massive scalar fields. At finite N, the CFT contains additional light states that are not visible in the perturbative gravity theory. We carefully define the large N limit, and give evidence that, at N = infinity, the additional states become null and decouple from all correlation functions. The surviving states are shown to match precisely (for all values of the 't Hooft coupling) with the spectrum of the higher spin gravity theory. The agreement between bulk and boundary is partially explained by symmetry considerations involving the conjectured equivalence between the W_N algebra in the large N limit and the higher spin algebra of the Vasiliev theory.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An(1) Affine Quiver Matrix Model

We introduce An(1) (n=1,2,...) affine quiver matrix model by simply adopting the extended Cartan matrices as incidence matrices and study its finite N Schwinger-Dyson equations as well as their planar limit. In the case of n=1, we extend our analysis to derive the cubic planar loop equation for one-parameter family of models labelled by alpha: alpha=1 and alpha=2 correspond to the non-affine A2 case and the affine A1(1) case respectively. In the case of n=2, we derive three sets of constraint equations for the resolvents which are quadratic, cubic and quartic respectively.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

BKM superalgebras from counting dyons in N=4 supersymmetric type II compactifications

We study the degeneracy of quarter BPS dyons in N =4 type II compactifications of string theory. We find that the genus-two Siegel modular forms generating the degeneracies of the quarter BPS dyons in the type II theories can be expressed in terms of the genus-two Siegel modular forms generating the degeneracies of quarter BPS dyons in the CHL theories and the heterotic string. This helps us in understanding the algebra structure underlying the degeneracy of the quarter BPS states. The Conway group, Co_1, plays a role similar to Mathieu group, M_{24}, in the CHL models with eta quotients appearing in the place of eta products. We construct BKM Lie superalgebra structures corresponding to Z_N (for N=2,3,4) orbifolds of the type II string compactified on a six-torus.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Loop equations and topological recursion for the arbitrary-$\beta$ two-matrix model

We write the loop equations for the $\beta$ two-matrix model, and we propose a topological recursion algorithm to solve them, order by order in a small parameter. We find that to leading order, the spectral curve is a "quantum" spectral curve, i.e. it is given by a differential operator (instead of an algebraic equation for the hermitian case). Here, we study the case where that quantum spectral curve is completely degenerate, it satisfies a Bethe ansatz, and the spectral curve is the Baxter TQ relation.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Matrix model from N = 2 orbifold partition function

The orbifold generalization of the partition function, which would describe the gauge theory on the ALE space, is investigated from the combinatorial perspective. It is shown that the root of unity limit of the q-deformed partition function plays a crucial role on the orbifold projection. Then starting from the combinatorial representation of the partition function, a new type of multi-matrix model is derived by considering its asymptotic behavior. It is also shown that Seiberg-Witten curve for the corresponding gauge theory arises from the spectral curve of this multi-matrix model.