Monday, February 28, 2011

The large N limit of quiver matrix models and Sasaki-Einstein manifolds

We study the matrix models that result from localization of the partition functions of N=2 Chern-Simons-matter theories on the three-sphere. A large class of such theories are conjectured to be holographically dual to M-theory on Sasaki-Einstein seven-manifolds. We study the M-theory limit (large N and fixed Chern-Simons levels) of these matrix models for various examples, and show that in this limit the free energy reproduces the expected AdS/CFT result of N^{3/2}/Vol(Y)^{1/2}, where Vol(Y) is the volume of the corresponding Sasaki-Einstein metric. More generally we conjecture a relation between the large N limit of the partition function, interpreted as a function of trial R-charges, and the volumes of Sasakian metrics on links of Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities. We verify this conjecture for a family of Chern-Simons quivers based on M2 branes at hypersurface singularities and for a U(N)^3 theory based on M2 branes at a toric singularity.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Distribution of Coefficients of Modular Forms and the Partition Function

In this paper, we study the distribution of the coefficients of integer and half-integral weight modular forms modulo odd positive integers $M$. As a sequence, we improve Ahlgren and Boylan's early results on the distribution properties of the ordinate partition function $p(n)$ modulo prime power $\ell^j\ (\ell\ge5)$ [Theorem 5, Math. Ann. 331(1):219-239, 2005.] and prove that for each $0\le r\le\ell^j$ $$\sharp\{1\le n\le X\ \ p(n)\equiv r(\text{mod}\ell^j)\}\gg_{r,M}\frac{X}{\log X}(\log\log X)^s$$ for any integer $s\ge1$.

Categorification of Highest Weight Modules via Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier Algebras

In this paper, we prove Khovanov-Lauda's cyclotomic categorification conjecture for all symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras. Let $U_q(g)$ be the quantum group associated with a symmetrizable Cartan datum and let $V(\Lambda)$ be the irreducible highest weight $U_q(g)$-module with a dominant integral highest weight $\Lambda$. We prove that the cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebra $R^{\Lambda}$ gives a categorification of $V(\Lambda)$.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Borcherds Algebras and N=4 Topological Amplitudes

The perturbative spectrum of BPS-states in the E_8 x E_8 heterotic string theory compactified on T^2 is analysed. We show that the space of BPS-states forms a representation of a certain Borcherds algebra G which we construct explicitly using an auxiliary conformal field theory. The denominator formula of an extension G_{ext} \supset G of this algebra is then found to appear in a certain heterotic one-loop N=4 topological string amplitude. Our construction thus gives an N=4 realisation of the idea envisioned by Harvey and Moore, namely that the `algebra of BPS-states' controls the threshold corrections in the heterotic string.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Graph Zeta Function and Gauge Theories

Along the recently trodden path of studying certain number theoretic properties of gauge theories, especially supersymmetric theories whose vacuum manifolds are non-trivial, we investigate Ihara's Graph Zeta Function for large classes of quiver theories and periodic tilings by bi-partite graphs. In particular, we examine issues such as the spectra of the adjacency and whether the gauge theory satisfies the strong and weak versions of the graph theoretical analogue of the Riemann Hypothesis.

Uniformization, Unipotent Flows and the Riemann Hypothesis

We prove equidistribution of certain multidimensional unipotent flows in the moduli space of genus $g$ principally polarized abelian varieties (ppav). This is done by studying asymptotics of $\pmb{\Gamma}_{g} \sim Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z})$-automorphic forms averaged along unipotent flows, toward the codimension-one component of the boundary of the ppav moduli space. We prove a link between the error estimate and the Riemann hypothesis. Further, we prove $\pmb{\Gamma}_{g - r}$ modularity of the function obtained by iterating the unipotent average process $r$ times. This shows uniformization of modular integrals of automorphic functions via unipotent flows.

Geometry and Combinatorics of Crystal Melting

We survey geometrical and especially combinatorial aspects of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants (also called BPS invariants) for toric Calabi-Yau manifolds, emphasizing the role of plane partitions and their generalizations in the recently proposed crystal melting model. We also comment on equivalence with a vicious walker model and the matrix model representation of the partition function.

Zeta-Functions for Families of Calabi--Yau n-folds with Singularities

We consider families of Calabi-Yau n-folds containing singular fibres and study relations between the occurring singularity structure and the decomposition of the local Weil zeta-function. For 1-parameter families, this provides new insights into the combinatorial structure of the strong equivalence classes arising in the Candelas - de la Ossa - Rodrigues-Villegas approach for computing the zeta-function. This can also be extended to families with more parameters as is explored in several examples, where the singularity analysis provides correct predictions for the changes of degree in the decomposition of the zeta-function when passing to singular fibres. These observations provide first evidence in higher dimensions for Lauder's conjectured analogue of the Clemens-Schmid exact sequence.

On $p$-adic Siegel modular forms of non-real Nebentypus of degree 2

We show that all Siegel modular forms of non-real Nebentypus for $\Gamma_0^{(2)}(p)$ are $p$-adic Siegel modular forms by using a Maass lift.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Open topological strings and integrable hierarchies: Remodeling the A-model

We set up, purely in A-model terms, a novel formalism for the global solution of the open and closed topological A-model on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. The starting point is to build on recent progress in the mathematical theory of open Gromov-Witten invariants of orbifolds; we interpret the localization formulae as relating D-brane amplitudes to closed string amplitudes perturbed with twisted masses through an analogue of the "loop insertion operator" of matrix models. We first generalize this form of open/closed string duality to general toric backgrounds in all chambers of the stringy Kaehler moduli space; secondarily, we display a neat connection of the (gauged) closed string side to tau functions of 1+1 Hamiltonian integrable hierarchies, and exploit it to provide an effective computation of open string amplitudes. In doing so, we also provide a systematic treatment of the change of flat open moduli induced by a phase transition in the closed moduli space. We test our proposal in detail by providing an extensive number of checks. We also use our formalism to give a localization-based derivation of the Hori-Vafa spectral curves as coming from a resummation of A-model disc instantons.