Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Unquenched flavor and tropical geometry in strongly coupled Chern-Simons-matter theories

We study various aspects of the matrix models calculating free energies and Wilson loop observables in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories on the three-sphere. We first develop techniques to extract strong coupling results directly from the spectral curve describing the large N master field. We show that the strong coupling limit of the gauge theory corresponds to the so-called tropical limit of the spectral curve. In this limit, the curve degenerates to a planar graph, and matrix model calculations reduce to elementary line integrals along the graph. As an important physical application of these tropical techniques, we study N=3 theories with fundamental matter, both in the quenched and in the unquenched regimes. We calculate the exact spectral curve in the Veneziano limit, and we evaluate the planar free energy and Wilson loop observables at strong coupling by using tropical geometry. The results are in agreement with the predictions of the AdS duals involving tri-Sasakian manifolds.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wall-crossing, open BPS counting and matrix models

We consider wall-crossing phenomena associated to the counting of D2-branes attached to D4-branes wrapping lagrangian cycles in Calabi-Yau manifolds, both from M-theory and matrix model perspective. Firstly, from M-theory viewpoint, we review that open BPS generating functions in various chambers are given by a restriction of the modulus square of the open topological string partition functions. Secondly, we show that these BPS generating functions can be identified with integrands of matrix models, which naturally arise in the free fermion formulation of corresponding crystal models. A parameter specifying a choice of an open BPS chamber has a natural, geometric interpretation in the crystal model. These results extend previously known relations between open topological string amplitudes and matrix models to include chamber dependence.

Generalized matrix models and AGT correspondence at all genera

We study generalized matrix models corresponding to n-point Virasoro conformal blocks on Riemann surfaces with arbitrary genus g. Upon AGT correspondence, these describe four dimensional N=2 SU(2)^{n+3g-3} gauge theories with generalized quiver diagrams. We obtain the generalized matrix models from the perturbative evaluation of the Liouville correlation functions and verify the consistency of the description with respect to degenerations of the Riemann surface. Moreover, we derive the Seiberg-Witten curve for the N=2 gauge theory as the spectral curve of the generalized matrix model, thus providing a check of AGT correspondence at all genera.

Multi-Matrix Models and Tri-Sasaki Einstein Spaces

Localization methods reduce the path integrals in {\cal N} >= 2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons gauge theories on S^3 to multi-matrix integrals. A recent evaluation of such a two-matrix integral for the {\cal N}=6 superconformal U(N) x U(N) ABJM theory produced detailed agreement with the AdS/CFT correspondence, explaining in particular the N^{3/2} scaling of the free energy. We study a class of p-matrix integrals describing {\cal N}=3 superconformal U(N)^p Chern-Simons gauge theories. We present a simple method that allows us to evaluate the eigenvalue densities and the free energies in the large N limit keeping the Chern-Simons levels k_i fixed. The dual M-theory backgrounds are AdS_4 x Y, where Y are seven-dimensional tri-Sasaki Einstein spaces specified by the k_i. The gravitational free energy scales inversely with the square root of the volume of Y. We find a general formula for the p-matrix free energies that agrees with the available results for volumes of the tri-Sasaki Einstein spaces Y, thus providing a thorough test of the corresponding AdS_4/CFT_3 dualities. This formula is consistent with the Seiberg duality conjectured for Chern-Simons gauge theories.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Kohno-Drinfeld theorem for the monodromy of cyclotomic KZ connections

We compute explicitly the monodromy representations of "cyclotomic" analogs of the Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov differential system. These are representations of the type B braid group $B_n^1$. We show how the representations of the braid group $B_n$ obtained using quantum groups and universal $R$-matrices may be enhanced to representations of $B_n^1$ using dynamical twists. Then, we show how these "algebraic" representations may be identified with the above "analytic" monodromy representations.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brezin-Gross-Witten model as "pure gauge" limit of Selberg integrals

The AGT relation identifies the Nekrasov functions for various N=2 SUSY gauge theories with the 2d conformal blocks, which possess explicit Dotsenko-Fateev matrix model (beta-ensemble) representations the latter being polylinear combinations of Selberg integrals. The "pure gauge" limit of these matrix models is, however, a non-trivial multiscaling large-N limit, which requires a separate investigation. We show that in this pure gauge limit the Selberg integrals turn into averages in a Brezin-Gross-Witten (BGW) model. Thus, the Nekrasov function for pure SU(2) theory acquires a form very much reminiscent of the AMM decomposition formula for some model X into a pair of the BGW models. At the same time, X, which still has to be found, is the pure gauge limit of the elliptic Selberg integral. Presumably, it is again a BGW model, only in the Dijkgraaf-Vafa double cut phase.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Conjugacy classes in Weyl groups and q-W algebras

We define noncommutative deformations W_q^s(G) of algebras of regular functions on certain transversal slices to the set of conjugacy classes in an algebraic group G which play the role of Slodowy slices in algebraic group theory. The algebras W_q^s(G) called q-W algebras are labeled by (conjugacy classes) of elements s of the Weyl group of G. The algebra W_q^s(G) is a quantization of a Poisson structure defined on the corresponding transversal slice in G with the help of Poisson reduction of a Poisson bracket associated to a Poisson--Lie group G^* dual to a quasitriangular Poisson-Lie group. We also define a quantum group counterpart of the category of generalized Gelfand-Graev representations and establish an equivalence between this category and the category of representations of the corresponding q-W algebra. The algebras W_q^s(G) can be regarded as quantum group counterparts of W-algebras. However, in general they are not deformations of the usual W-algebras.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wall Crossing from Boltzmann Black Hole Halos

A key question in the study of N=2 supersymmetric string or field theories is to understand the decay of BPS bound states across walls of marginal stability in the space of parameters or vacua. By representing the potentially unstable bound states as multi-centered black hole solutions in N=2 supergravity, we provide two fully general and explicit formulae for the change in the (refined) index across the wall. The first, "Higgs branch" formula relies on Reineke's results for invariants of quivers without oriented loops, specialized to the Abelian case. The second, "Coulomb branch" formula results from evaluating an integral over the classical phase space of multi-centered solutions by localization. We provide extensive evidence that these new formulae agree with each other and with the mathematical results of Kontsevich and Soibelman (KS) and Joyce and Song (JS). The main physical insight behind our results is that the Bose-Fermi statistics of individual black holes participating in the bound state can be traded for Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, provided the (integer) index \Omega(\gamma) of the internal degrees of freedom carried by each black hole is replaced by an effective (rational) index \bar\Omega(\gamma)= \sum_{m\gamma} \Omega(\gamma/m)/m^2. A similar map also exists for the refined index. This observation provides a physical rationale for the appearance of the rational Donaldson-Thomas invariant \bar\Omega(\gamma) in the works of KS and JS. The simplicity of the wall crossing formula for rational invariants allows us to generalize the "semi-primitive wall-crossing formula" to arbitrary decays of the type \gamma\to M\gamma_1+N\gamma_2 with M=2,3.