Friday, October 29, 2010

Fivebrane instantons, topological wave functions and hypermultiplet moduli spaces

We investigate quantum corrections to the hypermultiplet moduli space M in Calabi-Yau compactifications of type II string theories, with particular emphasis on instanton effects from Euclidean NS5-branes. Based on the consistency of D- and NS5-instanton corrections, we determine the topology of the hypermultiplet moduli space at fixed string coupling and Calabi-Yau metric, as previewed in arXiv:1009.3026. On the type IIB side, we compute corrections from (p,k)-fivebrane instantons to the metric on M (specifically, the correction to the complex contact structure on its twistor space Z) by applying S-duality to the D-instanton sum. For fixed fivebrane charge k, the corrections can be written as a non-Gaussian theta series, whose summand for k=1 reduces to the topological A-model amplitude. By mirror symmetry, instanton corrections induced from the chiral type IIA NS5-brane are similarly governed by the wave function of the topological B-model. In the course of this investigation we clarify charge quantization for coherent sheaves and find hitherto unnoticed corrections to the Heisenberg, monodromy and S-duality actions on M, as well as to the mirror map for Ramond-Ramond fields and D-brane charges.

T-Branes and Monodromy

We introduce T-branes, or "triangular branes," which are novel non-abelian bound states of branes characterized by the condition that on some loci, their matrix of normal deformations, or Higgs field, is upper triangular. These configurations refine the notion of monodromic branes which have recently played a key role in F-theory phenomenology. We show how localized matter living on complex codimension one subspaces emerge, and explain how to compute their Yukawa couplings, which are localized in complex codimension two. Not only do T-branes clarify what is meant by brane monodromy, they also open up a vast array of new possibilities both for phenomenological constructions and for purely theoretical applications. We show that for a general T-brane, the eigenvalues of the Higgs field can fail to capture the spectrum of localized modes. In particular, this provides a method for evading some constraints on F-theory GUTs which have assumed that the spectral equation for the Higgs field completely determines a local model.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Non-Perturbative Topological Strings And Conformal Blocks

We give a non-perturbative completion of a class of closed topological string theories in terms of building blocks of dual open strings. In the specific case where the open string is given by a matrix model these blocks correspond to a choice of integration contour. We then apply this definition to the AGT setup where the dual matrix model has logarithmic potential and is conjecturally equivalent to Liouville conformal field theory. By studying the natural contours of these matrix integrals and their monodromy properties, we propose a precise map between topological string blocks and Liouville conformal blocks. Remarkably, this description makes use of the light-cone diagrams of closed string field theory, where the critical points of the matrix potential correspond to string interaction points.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Volume Conjecture, Perturbative Knot Invariants, and Recursion Relations for Topological Strings

We study the relation between perturbative knot invariants and the free energies defined by topological string theory on the character variety of the knot. Such a correspondence between SL(2;C) Chern-Simons gauge theory and the topological open string theory was proposed earlier on the basis of the volume conjecture and AJ conjecture. In this paper we discuss this correspondence beyond the subleading order in the perturbative expansion on both sides. In the computation of the perturbative invariants for the hyperbolic 3-manifold, we adopt the state integral model for the hyperbolic knots, and the factorized AJ conjecture for the torus knots. On the other hand, we iteratively compute the free energies on the character variety using the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion relation. We check the correspondence for the figure eight knot complement and the once punctured torus bundle over S^1 with the holonomy L^2R up to the fourth order. For the torus knots, we find trivial the recursion relations on both sides.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Shift versus Extension in Refined Partition Functions

We have recently shown that the global behavior of the partition function of N=2 gauge theory in the general Omega-background is captured by special geometry in the guise of the (extended) holomorphic anomaly equation. We here analyze the fate of our results under the shift of the mass parameters of the gauge theory. The preferred value of the shift, noted previously in other contexts, restores the Z_2 symmetry of the instanton partition function under inversion of the Omega-background, and removes the extension. We comment on various connections.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Modular realizations of hyperbolic Weyl groups

We study the recently discovered isomorphisms between hyperbolic Weyl groups and unfamiliar modular groups. These modular groups are defined over integer domains in normed division algebras, and we focus on the cases involving quaternions and octonions. We outline how to construct and analyse automorphic forms for these groups; their structure depends on the underlying arithmetic properties of the integer domains. We also give a new realization of the Weyl group W(E8) in terms of unit octavians and their automorphism group.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The uses of the refined matrix model recursion

We study matrix models in the beta ensemble by building on the refined recursion relation proposed by Chekhov and Eynard. We present explicit results for the first beta-deformed corrections in the one-cut and the two-cut cases, as well as two applications to supersymmetric gauge theories: the calculation of superpotentials in N=1 gauge theories, and the calculation of vevs of surface operators in superconformal N=2 theories and their Liouville duals. Finally, we study the beta deformation of the Chern-Simons matrix model. Our results indicate that this model does not provide an appropriate description of the Omega-deformed topological string on the resolved conifold, and therefore that the beta-deformation might provide a different generalization of topological string theory in toric Calabi-Yau backgrounds.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Polynomial Roots and Calabi-Yau Geometries

The examination of roots of constrained polynomials dates back at least to Waring and to Littlewood. However, such delicate structures as fractals and holes have only recently been found. We study the space of roots to certain integer polynomials arising naturally in the context of Calabi-Yau spaces, notably Poincare and Newton polynomials, and observe various salient features and geometrical patterns.

Refined Wall-Crossing, Free Fermions and Crystal Melting

In this paper, we use an M-theory model to conjecture the refined OSV formulas connecting the refined topological string partition function with the refined BPS states partition function for the toric Calabi-Yau threefolds without any compact four cycles. Further, we show how to use the vertex operators in 2d free fermions to reproduce the refined BPS states partition function for the $\mathbb{C}^3$ case and the wall-crossing formulas of the refined BPS states partition function for the resolved conifold and $\mathcal{O}(-2)\oplus\mathcal{O}\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$ cases.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A note on the automorphism group of the root lattice of the U-dual modular group

We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.

An $E_8$-approach to the moonshine vertex operator algebra

In this article, we study the moonshine vertex operator algebra starting with the tensor product of three copies of the vertex operator algebra $V_{\sqrt2E_8}^+$, and describe it by the quadratic space over $\F_2$ associated to $V_{\sqrt2E_8}^+$. Using quadratic spaces and orthogonal groups, we show the transitivity of the automorphism group of the moonshine vertex operator algebra on the set of all full vertex operator subalgebras isomorphic to the tensor product of three copies of $V_{\sqrt2E_8}^+$, and determine the stabilizer of such a vertex operator subalgebra. Our approach is a vertex operator algebra analogue of "An $E_8$-approach to the Leech lattice and the Conway group" by Lepowsky and Meurman. Moreover, we find new analogies among the moonshine vertex operator algebra, the Leech lattice and the extended binary Golay code.

Logarithmic potential beta-ensembles and Feynman graphs

We present the diagrammatic technique for calculating the free energy of the matrix eigenvalue model (the model with arbitrary power beta by the Vandermonde) to all orders of 1/N expansion in the case where the limiting eigenvalue distribution spans arbitrary (but fixed) number of disjoint intervals (curves) and when logarithmic terms are present. This diagrammatic technique is corrected and refined as compared to our first paper with B.Eynard of year 2006.

Topological expansion of beta-ensemble model and quantum algebraic geometry in the sectorwise approach

We solve the loop equations of the $\beta$-ensemble model analogously to the solution found for the Hermitian matrices $\beta=1$. For \beta=1$, the solution was expressed using the algebraic spectral curve of equation $y^2=U(x)$. For arbitrary $\beta$, the spectral curve converts into a Schr\"odinger equation $((\hbar\partial)^2-U(x))\psi(x)=0$ with $\hbar\propto (\sqrt\beta-1/\sqrt\beta)/N$. This paper is similar to the sister paper~I, in particular, all the main ingredients specific for the algebraic solution of the problem remain the same, but here we present the second approach to finding a solution of loop equations using sectorwise definition of resolvents. Being technically more involved, it allows defining consistently the B-cycle structure of the obtained quantum algebraic curve (a D-module of the form $y^2-U(x)$, where $[y,x]=\hbar$) and to construct explicitly the correlation functions and the corresponding symplectic invariants $F_h$, or the terms of the free energy, in 1/N^2$-expansion at arbitrary $\hbar$. The set of "flat" coordinates comprises the potential times $t_k$ and the occupation numbers \widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha$. We define and investigate the properties of the A- and B-cycles, forms of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind, and the Riemann bilinear identities. We use these identities to find explicitly the singular part of $\mathcal F_0$ that depends exclusively on $\widetilde{\epsilon}_\alpha$.

A New Look At The Path Integral Of Quantum Mechanics

The Feynman path integral of ordinary quantum mechanics is complexified and it is shown that possible integration cycles for this complexified integral are associated with branes in a two-dimensional A-model. This provides a fairly direct explanation of the relationship of the A-model to quantum mechanics; such a relationship has been explored from several points of view in the last few years. These phenomena have an analog for Chern-Simons gauge theory in three dimensions: integration cycles in the path integral of this theory can be derived from N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. Hence, under certain conditions, a Chern-Simons path integral in three dimensions is equivalent to an N=4 path integral in four dimensions.

Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in matrix models from the viewpoints of localization and Nicolai mapping

In the previous work, it was shown that, in supersymmetric (matrix) discretized quantum mechanics, inclusion of an external field twisting the boundary condition of fermions enables us to discuss spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry (SUSY) in the path-integral formalism in a well-defined way. In the present work, we continue investigating the same systems from the points of view of localization and Nicolai mapping. The localization is studied by changing of integration variables in the path integral, which is applicable whether or not SUSY is explicitly broken. We examine in detail how the integrand of the partition function with respect to the integral over the auxiliary field behaves as the auxiliary field vanishes, which clarifies a mechanism of the localization. In SUSY matrix models, we obtain a matrix-model generalization of the localization formula. In terms of eigenvalues of matrix variables, we observe that eigenvalues' dynamics is governed by balance of attractive force from the localization and repulsive force from the Vandermonde determinant. The approach of the Nicolai mapping works even in the presence of the external field. It enables us to compute the partition function of SUSY matrix models for finite N (N is the rank of matrices) with arbitrary superpotential at least in the leading nontrivial order of an expansion with respect to the small external field. We confirm the restoration of SUSY in the large-N limit of a SUSY matrix model with a double-well scalar potential observed in the previous work.