Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Classical theta constants vs. lattice theta series, and super string partition functions

Recently, various possible expressions for the vacuum-to-vacuum superstring amplitudes has been proposed at genus $g=3,4,5$. To compare the different proposals, here we will present a careful analysis of the comparison between the two main technical tools adopted to realize the proposals: the classical theta constants and the lattice theta series. We compute the relevant Fourier coefficients in order to relate the two spaces. We will prove the equivalence up to genus 4. In genus five we will show that the solutions are equivalent modulo the Schottky form and coincide if we impose the vanishing of the cosmological constant.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Permutation Weights and Modular Poincare Polynomials for Affine Lie Algebras

Poincare Polynomial of a Kac-Moody Lie algebra can be obtained by classifying the Weyl orbit $W(\rho)$ of its Weyl vector $\rho$. A remarkable fact for Affine Lie algebras is that the number of elements of $W(\rho)$ is finite at each and every depth level though totally it has infinite number of elements. This allows us to look at $W(\rho)$ as a manifold graded by depths of its elements and hence a new kind of Poincare Polynomial is defined. We give these polynomials for all Affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras, non-twisted or twisted. The remarkable fact is however that, on the contrary to the ones which are classically defined,these new kind of Poincare polynomials have modular properties, namely they all are expressed in the form of eta-quotients. When one recalls Weyl-Kac character formula for irreducible characters, it is natural to think that this modularity properties could be directly related with Kac-Peterson theorem which says affine characters have modular properties. Another point to emphasize is the relation between these modular Poincare Polynomials and the Permutation Weights which we previously introduced for Finite and also Affine Lie algebras. By the aid of permutation weights, we have shown that Weyl orbits of an Affine Lie algebra are decomposed in the form of direct sum of Weyl orbits of its horizontal Lie algebra and this new kind of Poincare Polynomials count exactly these permutation weights at each and every level of weight depths.

E11, generalised space-time and IIA string theory

As advocated in hep-th/0307098 we construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its first fundamental representation at lowest level from the IIA viewpoint. We find a theory that is SO(10,10)x GL(1) invariant and contains the fields of gravity, a two form and a dilaton but which depend on coordinates which belong to the vector representation of SO(10,10). The resulting Lagrangian agrees that of recent work on the so called doubled field theory. However, the construction given in this paper is straightforward and systematic. It also reveals the relevant underlying symmetries and opens the way to include the Ramond-Ramond, and higher level, fields together with additional coordinates of the generalised space-time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Large deviations of the maximal eigenvalue of random matrices

We present detailed computations of the 'at least finite' terms (three dominant orders) of the free energy in a one-cut matrix model with a hard edge a, in beta-ensembles, with any polynomial potential. beta is such that Re(beta) > 0, so not restricted to the standard values beta = 1 (hermitian matrices), beta = 1/2 (symmetric matrices), beta = 2 (quaternionic self-dual matrices). This model allows to study the statistic of the maximum eigenvalue of random matrices. We compute the large deviation function to the left of the expected maximum. We specialize our results to the gaussian beta-ensembles and check them numerically. Our method is based on general results and procedures already developed in the literature to solve the Pastur equations (also called "loop equations"). It allows to compute the left tail of the analog of Tracy-Widom laws for any beta, including the constant term.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

N = 1 SCFTs from Brane Monodromy

We present evidence for a new class of strongly coupled N = 1 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) motivated by F-theory GUT constructions. These SCFTs arise from D3-brane probes of tilted seven-branes which undergo monodromy. In the probe theory, this tilting corresponds to an N = 1 deformation of an N = 2 SCFT by a matrix of field-dependent masses with non-trivial branch cuts in the eigenvalues. Though these eigenvalues characterize the geometry, we find that they do not uniquely specify the holomorphic data of the physical theory. We also comment on some phenomenological aspects of how these theories can couple to the visible sector. Our construction can be applied to many N = 2 SCFTs, resulting in a large new class of N = 1 SCFTs.