Friday, October 30, 2009

A Three-Generation Calabi-Yau Manifold with Small Hodge Numbers

We present a complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifold Y that has Euler number -72 and which admits free actions by two groups of automorphisms of order 12. These are the cyclic group Z_12 and the non-Abelian dicyclic group Dic_3. The quotient manifolds have chi=-6 and Hodge numbers (h^11,h^21)=(1,4). With the standard embedding of the spin connection in the gauge group, Y gives rise to an E_6 gauge theory with 3 chiral generations of particles. The gauge group may be broken further by means of the Hosotani mechanism combined with continuous deformation of the background gauge field. For the non-Abelian quotient we obtain a model with 3 generations with the gauge group broken to that of the standard model. Moreover there is a limit in which the quotients develop 3 conifold points. These singularities may be resolved simultaneously to give another manifold with (h^11,h^21)=(2,2) that lies right at the tip of the distribution of Calabi-Yau manifolds. This strongly suggests that there is a heterotic vacuum for this manifold that derives from the 3 generation model on the quotient of Y. The manifold Y may also be realised as a hypersurface in the toric variety. The symmetry group does not act torically, nevertheless we are able to identify the mirror of the quotient manifold by adapting the construction of Batyrev.

The Non-commutative Topological Vertex and Wall Crossing Phenomena

We propose a generalization of the topological vertex, which we call the "non-commutative topological vertex". This gives open BPS invariants for a toric Calabi-Yau manifold without compact 4-cycles, where we have D0/D2/D6-branes wrapping holomorphic 0/2/6-cycles, as well as D2-branes wrapping disks whose boundaries are on D4-branes wrapping non-compact Lagrangian 3-cycles. The vertex is defined combinatorially using the crystal melting model proposed recently, and depends on the value of closed string moduli at infinity. The vertex in one special chamber gives the same answer as that computed by the ordinary topological vertex. We prove an identify expressing the non-commutative topological vertex of a toric Calabi-Yau manifold X as a specialization of the closed BPS partition function of an orbifold of X, thus giving a closed expression for our vertex. We also clarify the action of the Weyl group of an affine A_L Lie algebra on chambers, and comment on the generalization of our results to the case of refined BPS invariants.

Wall-crossing, free fermions and crystal melting

We describe wall-crossing for local, toric Calabi-Yau manifolds without compact four-cycles, in terms of free fermions, vertex operators, and crystal melting. Firstly, to each such manifold we associate two states in the free fermion Hilbert space. The overlap of these states reproduces the BPS partition function corresponding to the non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants, given by the modulus square of the topological string partition function. Secondly, we introduce the wall-crossing operators which represent crossing the walls of marginal stability associated to changes of the B-field through each two-cycle in the manifold. BPS partition functions in non-trivial chambers are given by the expectation values of these operators. Thirdly, we discuss crystal interpretation of such correlators for this whole class of manifolds. We describe evolution of these crystals upon a change of the moduli, and find crystal interpretation of the flop transition and the DT/PT transition. The crystals which we find generalize and unify various other Calabi-Yau crystal models which appeared in literature in recent years.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Brane Tilings, M2-branes and Chern-Simons Theories

We investigate (2+1)-dimensional quiver Chern-Simons theories that arise from the study of M2-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds. These theories can be elegantly described using brane tilings. We present several theories that admit a tiling description and give details of these theories including the toric data of their mesonic moduli space and the structure of both their Master space and baryonic moduli space. Where different toric phases are known, we exhibit the equivalence between the vacua. We identify some of the mesonic moduli spaces as cones over smooth toric Fano 3-folds.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rademacher sums, moonshine and gravity

In 1939 Rademacher derived a conditionally convergent series expression for the elliptic modular invariant, and used this expression--the first Rademacher sum--to verify its modular invariance. By generalizing Rademacher's approach we construct bases for the spaces of automorphic integrals of arbitrary even integer weight, for all groups commensurable with the modular group. We use these Rademacher sums to illuminate various aspects of the structure of the spaces of automorphic integrals, including the actions of Hecke operators. We obtain a new characterization of the discrete groups of monstrous moonshine in terms of Rademacher sums, and we develop connections between Rademacher sums and a family of monstrous Lie algebras recently introduced by Carnahan. Our constructions suggest conjectures relating monstrous moonshine to a distinguished family of chiral three dimensional quantum gravities, and relating monstrous Lie algebras and their Verma modules to the second quantization of this family of chiral three dimensional quantum gravities.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bernoulli-Euler numbers and multiboundary singularities of type $B_n^l$

In this paper we study properties of numbers $K_n^l$ of connected components of bifurcation diagrams for multiboundary singularities $B_n^l$. These numbers generalize classic Bernoulli-Euler numbers. We prove a recurrent relation on the numbers $K_n^l$. As it was known before, $K^1_n$ is $(n{+}1)$-th Bernoulli-Euler number, this gives us a necessary boundary condition to calculate $K_n^l$. We also find the generating functions for $K_n^l$ with small fixed $l$ and write partial differential equations for the general case. The recurrent relations lead to numerous relations between Bernoulli-Euler numbers. We show them in the last section of the paper.

Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants:summary of results

This is a short summary of main results of our paper arXiv:0811.2435 where the concept of motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariant was introduced. It also contains a discussion of some open questions from the loc.cit., in particular, the geometry related to the split attractor flow.

Local Mirror Symmetry for One-Legged Topological Vertex

We prove the Bouchard-Mari\~no Conjecture for the framed one-legged topological vertex by deriving the Eynard-Orantin type recursion relations from the cut-and-join equation satisfied by the relevant triple Hodge integrals. This establishes a version of local mirror symmetry for the local $C^3$ geometry with one $D$-brane.

A Note on Wilson Loop in N=2 Quiver/M theory Gravity Duality

We study Wilson loops in the 4-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric quiver/M theory duality recently constructed by Gaiotto and Maldacena, that is conjectured to be dual to M2 branes on AdS_5\times S^4 fibered over \Sigma_2. We use the localization method raised by Pestun, in order to extend the matrix conjecture for Wilson loop to 4-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric linear quiver gauge theory. We obtained the consistent results in the quiver gauge theory and the 11-dimensional supergravity. This match supports the N=2 quiver SCFT / M theory supergravity duality.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Singular del Pezzo surfaces that are equivariant compactifications

We determine which singular del Pezzo surfaces are equivariant compactifications of G_a^2, to assist with proofs of Manin's conjecture for such surfaces. Additionally, we give an example of a singular quartic del Pezzo surface that is an equivariant compactification of a semidirect product of G_a and G_m.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

BPS Wall Crossing and Topological Strings

By embedding N=2 gauge theories in string theory and utilizing string dualities we map the counting of BPS states with arbitrary electric and magnetic charges to computations of an A-model topological string on an associated geometry constructed from the data of the SW curve. We show how the conjecture of Kontsevich and Soibelman regarding wall crossing, as well as a more refined version which captures the spin content of BPS states, is a natural consequence. Chern-Simons theory realized on A-branes and a twistorial construction play key roles.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trialities and Exceptional Lie Algebras: DECONSTRUCTING the Magic Square

A construction of the magic square, and hence of exceptional Lie algebras, is carried out using trialities rather than division algebras. By way of preparation, a comprehensive discussion of trialities is given, incorporating a number of novel results and proofs. Many of the techniques are closely related to, or derived from, ideas which are commonplace in theoretical physics. The importance of symmetric spaces in the magic square construction is clarified, allowing the Jacobi property to be verified for each algebra in a uniform and transparent way, with no detailed calculations required. A variation on the construction, corresponding to other symmetric spaces, is also given.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kac-Moody algebraic structures in supergravity theories

A lot of developments made during the last years show that Kac-Moody algebras play an important role in the algebraic structure of some supergravity theories. These algebras would generate infinite-dimensional symmetry groups. The possible existence of such symmetries have motivated the reformulation of these theories as non-linear sigma-models based on the Kac-Moody symmetry groups. Such models are constructed in terms of an infinite number of fields parametrizing the generators of the corresponding algebra. If these conjectured symmetries are indeed actual symmetries of certain supergravity theories, a meaningful question to elucidate will be the interpretation of this infinite tower of fields. Another substantial problem is to find the correspondence between the sigma-models, which are explicitly invariant under the conjectured symmetries, and these corresponding space-time theories. The subject of this thesis is to address these questions in certain cases.

Macdonald operators and homological invariants of the colored Hopf link

Using a power sum (boson) realization for the Macdonald operators, we investigate Gukov, Iqbal, Kozcaz and Vafa's proposal for the homological invariants of the colored Hopf link, which include Khovanov-Rozansky homology as a special case. We prove the polynomiality of the invariants obtained by GIKV's proposal for arbitrary representations. We derive a closed formula of the invariants of the colored Hopf link for antisymmetric representations. We argue that a little amendment of GIKV's proposal is required to make all the coefficients of the polynomial non-negative integers.

M2-branes Theories without 3+1 Dimensional Parents via Un-Higgsing

N=2 quiver Chern-Simons theory has lately attracted attention as the world volume theory of multiple M2 branes on a Calabi-Yau 4-fold. We study the connection between the stringy derivation of M2 brane theories and the forward algorithm which gives the toric Calabi-Yau 4-fold as the moduli space of the quiver theory. Then the existence of the 3+1 dimensional parent, which is the consistent 3+1 dimensional superconformal theory with the same quiver diagram, is crucial for stringy derivation of M2 brane theories. We also investigate the construction of M2 brane theories that do not have 3+1 dimensional parents. The un-Higgsing procedure plays a key role to construct these M2 brane theories. We find some N=2 quiver Chern-Simons theories which correspond to interesting Calabi-Yau singularities.

On the geometry of the supermultiplet in M-theory

The massless supermultiplet of eleven-dimensional supergravity can be generated from the decomposition of certain representation of the exceptional Lie group F4 into those of its maximal compact subgroup Spin(9). In an earlier paper, a dynamical Kaluza-Klein origin of this observation is proposed with internal space the Cayley plane, OP2 and topological aspects are explored. In this paper we consider the geometric aspects and propose a characterization of the origin of the massless fields and their supersymmetry in M-theory. The effect of the construction on the partition function and the compatibility with other physical theories is discussed.

Exact Results for Wilson Loops in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories with Matter

We use localization techniques to compute the expectation values of supersymmetric Wilson loops in Chern-Simons theories with matter. We find the path-integral reduces to a non-Gaussian matrix model. The Wilson loops we consider preserve a single complex supersymmetry, and exist in any N=2 theory, though the localization requires superconformal symmetry. We present explicit results for the cases of pure Chern-Simons theory with gauge group U(N), showing agreement with the known results, and ABJM, showing agreement with perturbative calculations. Our method applies to other theories, such as Gaiotto-Witten theories, BLG, and their variants.

(Un)Higgsing the M2-brane

We study various aspects of N=2 quiver-Chern-Simons theories, conjectured to be dual to M2-branes at toric Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities, under Higgsing. In particular we study in detail the orbifold C^4/Z_2^3, obtaining a number of different quiver-Chern-Simons phases for this model, and all 18 toric partial resolutions thereof. In the process we develop a general un-Higgsing algorithm that allows one to construct quiver-Chern-Simons theories by blowing up, thus obtaining a plethora of new models. In addition we explain how turning on torsion G-flux non-trivially affects the supergravity dual of Higgsing, showing that the supergravity and field theory analyses precisely match in an example based on the Sasaki-Einstein manifold Y^(2,1)(CP^2).

Instanton Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet and Automorphic Forms on SU(2,1)

The hypermultiplet moduli space in Type IIA string theory compactified on a rigid Calabi-Yau threefold, corresponding to the "universal hypermultiplet", is described at tree-level by the symmetric space SU(2,1)/(SU(2) x U(1)). To determine the quantum corrections to this metric, we posit that a discrete subgroup of the continuous tree-level isometry group SU(2,1), namely the Picard modular group SU(2,1;Z[i]), must remain unbroken in the exact metric - including all perturbative and non-perturbative quantum corrections. Based on this assumption, we construct an SU(2,1;Z[i])-invariant, non-holomorphic Eisenstein series and analyze its non-Abelian Fourier expansion. We show that its Abelian and non-Abelian Fourier coefficients exhibit the expected form of instanton corrections due to Euclidean D2-branes wrapping special Lagrangian submanifolds, as well as Euclidean NS5-branes wrapping the entire Calabi-Yau threefold. Relying on the construction of quaternionic-Kahler manifolds M via their twistor space Z_M, a CP^1 bundle over M, we conjecture that the exact contact potential on the twistor space of the universal hypermultiplet is given by the aforementioned Picard Eisenstein series.