Friday, June 19, 2009

BGWM as Second Constituent of Complex Matrix Model

A. Alexandrov, A. Mironov, A. Morozov
Earlier we explained that partition functions of various matrix models can be constructed from that of the cubic Kontsevich model, which, therefore, becomes a basic elementary building block in "M-theory" of matrix models. However, the less topical complex matrix model appeared to be an exception: its decomposition involved not only the Kontsevich tau-function but also another constituent, which we now identify as the Brezin-Gross-Witten (BGW) partition function. The BGW tau-function can be represented either as a generating function of all unitary-matrix integrals or as a Kontsevich-Penner model with potential 1/X (instead of X^3 in the cubic Kontsevich model).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A matrix model for simple Hurwitz numbers, and topological recursion

G. Borot, B. Eynard, M. Mulase, B. Safnuk
We introduce a new matrix model representation for the generating function of simple Hurwitz numbers. We calculate the spectral curve of the model and the associated symplectic invariants developed in [Eynard-Orantin]. As an application, we prove the conjecture proposed by Bouchard and Marino, relating Hurwitz numbers to the spectral invariants of the Lambert curve exp(x)=y exp(-y).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Simple Analytic Solution for Tachyon Condensation

T. Erler, M. Schnabl
In this paper we present a new and simple analytic solution for tachyon condensation in open bosonic string field theory. Unlike the B_0 gauge solution, which requires a carefully regulated discrete sum of wedge states subtracted against a mysterious "phantom" counter term, this new solution involves a continuous integral of wedge states, and no regularization or phantom term is necessary. Moreover, we can evaluate the action and prove Sen's conjecture in a mere few lines of calculation.

The E(11) origin of all maximal supergravities - the hierarchy of field-strengths

F. Riccioni, D. Steele, P. West
Starting from $E_{11}$ and the space-time translations we construct an algebra that promotes the global $E_{11}$ symmetries to local ones, and consider all its possible massive deformations. The Jacobi identities imply that such deformations are uniquely determined by a single tensor that belongs to the same representation of the internal symmetry group as the $D-1$ forms specified by $E_{11}$. The non-linear realisation of the deformed algebra gives the field strengths of the theory which are those of any possible gauged maximal supergravity theory in any dimension. All the possible deformed algebras are in one to one correspondence with all the possible massive maximal supergravity theories. The hierarchy of fields inherent in the $E_{11}$ formulation plays an important role in the derivation. The tensor that determines the deformation can be identified with the embedding tensor used previously to parameterise gauged supergravities. Thus we provide a very efficient, simple and unified derivation of the bosonic sector, and in the absence of gravity, of all maximal gauged supergravities from $E_{11}$.

The extremal black holes of N=4 supergravity from so(8,2+n) nilpotent orbits

G. Bossard
We consider the stationary solutions of N=4 supergravity coupled to n vector multiplets that define linear superpositions of non-interacting extremal black holes. The most general solutions of this type are derived from the graded decompositions of so(8,2+n) associated to its nilpotent orbits. We illustrate the formalism by giving explicitly asymptotically Minkowski non-BPS solutions of the most exotic class depending on 6+n harmonic functions.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Point of E_8 in F-theory GUTs

J.J. Heckman, A. Tavanfar, C. Vafa
We show that in F-theory GUTs, a natural explanation of flavor hierarchies in the quark and lepton sector requires a single point of E_8 enhancement in the internal geometry, from which all Yukawa couplings originate. The monodromy group acting on the seven-brane configuration plays a key role in this analysis. Moreover, the E_8 structure automatically leads to the existence of the additional fields and interactions needed for minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking,__and almost nothing else__. Surprisingly, we find that in all but one Dirac neutrino scenario the messenger fields in the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking sector transform as vector-like pairs in the 10 + 10* of SU(5). We also classify dark matter candidates available from this enhancement point, and rule out both annihilating and decaying dark matter scenarios as explanations for the recent experiments PAMELA, ATIC and FERMI. In F-theory GUT models, a 10-100 MeV mass gravitino remains as the prime candidate for dark matter, thus suggesting an astrophysical origin for recent experimental signals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

F-theory uplifts and GUTs

R. Blumenhagen, T.W. Grimm, B. Jurke, T. Weigand
We study the F-theory uplift of Type IIB orientifold models on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds containing divisors which are del Pezzo surfaces. We consider two examples defined via del Pezzo transitions of the quintic. The first model has an orientifold projection leading to two disjoint O7-planes and the second involution acts via an exchange of two del Pezzo surfaces. The two uplifted fourfolds are generically singular with minimal gauge enhancements over a divisor and, respectively, a curve in the non-Fano base. We study possible further degenerations of the elliptic fiber leading to F-theory GUT models based on subgroups of E8.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Physical interpretation for Riemann zeros from black hole physics

P.R. Giri, R.K. Bhaduri
According to a conjecture attributed to Poyla and Hilbert, there is a self-adjoint operator whose eigenvalues are the the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function. We show that the near-horizon dynamics of a massive scalar field in the Schwarzschild black hole spacetime, under a reasonable boundary condition, gives rise to energy eigenvalues that coincide with the Riemann zeros. In achieving this result, we exploit the Bekenstein conjecture of black hole area quantization, and argue that it is responsible for the breaking of the continuous scale symmetry of the near horizon dynamics into a discrete one.

Geometric Langlands And The Equations Of Nahm And Bogomolny

E. Witten
Geometric Langlands duality relates a representation of a simple Lie group $G^\vee$ to the cohomology of a certain moduli space associated with the dual group $G$. In this correspondence, a principal $SL_2$ subgroup of $G^\vee$ makes an unexpected appearance. Why this happens can be explained using gauge theory, as we will see in this article, with the help of the equations of Nahm and Bogomolny. (Based on a lecture at Geometry and Physics: Atiyah 80, Edinburgh, April 2009.)