Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Footprint of F-theory at the LHC

J.J. Heckman, G.L. Kane, J. Shao, C. Vafa
Recent work has shown that compactifications of F-theory provide a potentially attractive phenomenological scenario. The low energy characteristics of F-theory GUTs consist of a deformation away from a minimal gauge mediation scenario with a high messenger scale. The soft scalar masses of the theory are all shifted by a stringy effect which survives to low energies. This effect can range from 0 GeV up to ~ 500 GeV. In this paper we study potential collider signatures of F-theory GUTs, focussing in particular on ways to distinguish this class of models from other theories with an MSSM spectrum. To accomplish this, we have adapted the general footprint method developed recently for distinguishing broad classes of string vacua to the specific case of F-theory GUTs. We show that with only 5 fb^(-1) of simulated LHC data, it is possible to distinguish many mSUGRA models and low messenger scale gauge mediation models from F-theory GUTs. Moreover, we find that at 5 fb^(-1), the stringy deformation away from minimal gauge mediation produces observable consequences which can also be detected to a level of order ~ +/- 80 GeV. In this way, it is possible to distinguish between models with a large and small stringy deformation. At 50 fb^(-1), this improves to ~ +/- 10 GeV.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Integrable structure of melting crystal model with two q-parameters

K. Takasaki
This paper explores integrable structures of a generalized melting crystal model that has two $q$-parameters $q_1,q_2$. This model, like the ordinary one with a single $q$-parameter, is formulated as a model of random plane partitions (or, equivalently, random 3D Young diagrams). The Boltzmann weight contains an infinite number of external potentials that depend on the shape of the diagonal slice of plane partitions. The partition function is thereby a function of an infinite number of coupling constants $t_1,t_2,...$ and an extra one $Q$. There is a compact expression of this partition function in the language of a 2D complex free fermion system, from which one can see the presence of a quantum torus algebra behind this model. The partition function turns out to be a tau function (times a simple factor) of two integrable structures simultaneously. The first integrable structure is the bigraded Toda hierarchy, which determine the dependence on $t_1,t_2,...$. This integrable structure emerges when the $q$-parameters $q_1,q_2$ take special values. The second integrable structure is a $q$-difference analogue of the 1D Toda equation. The partition function satisfies this $q$-difference equation with respect to $Q$. Unlike the bigraded Toda hierarchy, this integrable structure exists for any values of $q_1,q_2$.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Exact Results for Perturbative Chern-Simons Theory with Complex Gauge Group

T. Dimofte, S. Gukov, J. Lenells, D. Zagier
We develop several methods that allow us to compute all-loop partition functions in perturbative Chern-Simons theory with complex gauge group G_C, sometimes in multiple ways. In the background of a non-abelian irreducible flat connection, perturbative G_C invariants turn out to be interesting topological invariants, which are very different from finite type (Vassiliev) invariants obtained in a theory with compact gauge group G. We explore various aspects of these invariants and present an example where we compute them explicitly to high loop order. We also introduce a notion of "arithmetic TQFT" and conjecture (with supporting numerical evidence) that SL(2,C) Chern-Simons theory is an example of such a theory.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Topological open string amplitudes on local toric del Pezzo surfaces via remodeling the B-model

M. Manabe
We study topological strings on local toric del Pezzo surfaces by a method called remodeling the B-model which was recently proposed by Bouchard, Klemm, Marino and Pasquetti. For a large class of local toric del Pezzo surfaces we prove a functional formula of the Bergman kernel which is the basic constituent of the topological string amplitudes by the topological recursion relation of Eynard and Orantin. Because this formula is written as a functional of the period, we can obtain the topological string amplitudes at any point of the moduli space by a simple change of variables of the Picard-Fuchs equations for the period. By this formula and mirror symmetry we calculate the A-model amplitudes on K_{F_2}, and predict the open orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of C^3/Z_4.

The Volume Conjecture and Topological Strings

R. Dijkgraaf, H. Fuji
In this paper, we discuss a relation between Jones-Witten theory of knot invariants and topological open string theory on the basis of the volume conjecture. We find a similar Hamiltonian structure for both theories, and interpret the AJ conjecture as the D-module structure for a D-brane partition function. In order to verify our claim, we compute the free energy for the annulus contributions in the topological string using the Chern-Simons matrix model, and find that it coincides with the Reidemeister torsion in the case of the figure-eight knot complement and the SnapPea census manifold m009.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Arithmetic of Quantum Entropy Function

A. Sen
Quantum entropy function is a proposal for computing the entropy associated with the horizon of a black hole in the extremal limit, and is related via AdS/CFT correspondence to the dimension of the Hilbert space in a dual quantum mechanics. We show that in N=4 supersymmetric string theories, quantum entropy function formalism naturally explains the origin of the subtle differences between the microscopic degeneracies of quarter BPS dyons carrying different torsion, i.e. different arithmetical properties. These arise from additional saddle points in the path integral -- whose existence depends on the arithmetical properties of the black hole charges -- constructed as freely acting orbifolds of the original AdS_2\times S^2 near horizon geometry. During this analysis we demonstrate that the quantum entropy function is insensitive to the details of the infrared cutoff used in the computation, and the details of the boundary terms added to the action. We also discuss the role of the asymptotic symmetries of AdS_2 in carrying out the path integral in the definition of quantum entropy function. Finally we show that even though quantum entropy function is expected to compute the absolute degeneracy in a given charge and angular momentum sector, it can also be used to compute the index. This can then be compared with the microscopic computation of the index.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dimension of Conformal Blocks in Five Dimensional Kaehler-Chern-Simons Theory

H. Liu
We study the Kaehler-Chern-Simon theory on 5-manifolds which are the trivial circle bundles over 4-dimensional Kaehler manifolds and present a detailed calculation of the path integral.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cylindric Partitions and Branes

A. Iqbal, C. Kozcaz, T. Sohail
We show that the generating function of the cylindric partitions is given by the open topological string partition function of a CY3-fold. Type IIA string theory compactified on this CY3-fold gives rise to N=2 U(1) gauge theory with an adjoint hypermultiplet. The two Kahler parameters of the geometry, which are quantized in units of the string coupling constant, and the representation of the branes are given by the profile of the cylindric partition. We relate the level-rank duality of the cylindric generating function to the exchange symmetry of the two Kahler parameters.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Freedom and Constraints in the K3 Landscape

V. Kumar, W. Taylor
We consider "magnetized brane" compactifications of the type I/heterotic string on K3 with U(1) background fluxes. The gauge group and matter content of the resulting six-dimensional vacua are parameterized by a matrix which encodes a lattice contained within the even, self-dual lattice Gamma^{3,19}. Mathematical results of Nikulin on lattice embeddings make possible a simple classification of all such solutions. We find that every six-dimensional theory parameterized in this way by a negative semi-definite matrix whose trace satisfies a simple tadpole constraint can be realized as a K3 compactification. This approach makes it possible to explicitly and efficiently construct all models in this class with any particular allowed gauge group and matter content, so that one can immediately "dial-a-model" with desired properties.