Monday, September 29, 2008

Black Holes, Qubits and Octonions

L. Borsten, D. Dahanayake, M. J. Duff, H. Ebrahim, W. Rubens
We review the recently established relationships between black hole entropy in string theory and the quantum entanglement of qubits and qutrits in quantum information theory. The first example is provided by the measure of the tripartite entanglement of three qubits, known as the 3-tangle, and the entropy of the 8-charge STU black hole of N=2 supergravity, both of which are given by the [SL(2)]^3 invariant hyperdeterminant, a quantity first introduced by Cayley in 1845. There are further relationships between the attractor mechanism and local distillation protocols. At the microscopic level, the black holes are described by intersecting D3-branes whose wrapping around the six compact dimensions T^6 provides the string-theoretic interpretation of the charges and we associate the three-qubit basis vectors, |ABC> (A,B,C=0 or 1), with the corresponding 8 wrapping cycles. The black hole/qubit correspondence extends to the 56 charge N=8 black holes and the tripartite entanglement of seven qubits where the measure is provided by Cartan's E_7 supset [SL(2)]^7 invariant. The qubits are naturally described by the seven vertices ABCDEFG of the Fano plane, which provides the multiplication table of the seven imaginary octonions, reflecting the fact that E_7 has a natural structure of an O-graded algebra. This in turn provides a novel imaginary octonionic interpretation of the 56=7 x 8 charges of N=8: the 24=3 x 8 NS-NS charges correspond to the three imaginary quaternions and the 32=4 x 8 R-R to the four complementary imaginary octonions. N=8 black holes (or black strings) in five dimensions are also related to the bipartite entanglement of three qutrits (3-state systems), where the analogous measure is Cartan's E_6 supset [SL(3)]^3 invariant.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Gromov-Witten/Donaldson-Thomas correspondence for toric 3-folds

D. Maulik, A. Oblomkov, A. Okounkov, R. Pandharipande
We prove the equivariant Gromov-Witten theory of a nonsingular toric 3-fold X with primary insertions is equivalent to the equivariant Donaldson-Thomas theory of X. As a corollary, the topological vertex calculations by Agangic, Klemm, Marino, and Vafa of the Gromov-Witten theory of local Calabi-Yau toric 3-folds are proven to be correct in the full 3-leg setting.

Topology of the octonionic flag manifold

A.-L. Mare, M. Willems
The octonionic flag manifold $Fl(\mathbb{O})$ is the space of all pairs in $\mathbb{O}P^2\times \mathbb{O}P^2$ (where $\mathbb{O}P^2$ denotes the octonionic projective plane) which satisfy a certain "incidence" relation. It comes equipped with the projections $\pi_1,\pi_2 : Fl(\mathbb{O})\to \mathbb{O}P^2$, which are $\mathbb{O}P^1$ bundles, as well as with an action of the group $Spin(8)$. The first two results of this paper give Borel type descriptions of the usual, respectively $Spin(8)$-equivariant cohomology of $Fl(\mathbb{O})$ in terms of $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ (actually the Euler classes of the tangent spaces to the fibers of $\pi_1$, respectively $\pi_2$, which are rank 8 vector bundles on $Fl(\mathbb{O})$). Then we obtain a Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson type description of the ring $H^*_{Spin(8)}(Fl(\mathbb{O}))$. Finally, we consider the $Spin(8)$-equivariant $K$-theory ring of $Fl(\mathbb{O})$ and obtain a Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson type description of this ring.

Langlands duality for representations of quantum groups

E. Frenkel, D. Hernandez
We establish a correspondence (or duality) between the characters and the crystal bases of finite-dimensional representations of quantum groups associated to Langlands dual semi-simple Lie algebras. This duality may also be stated purely in terms of semi-simple Lie algebras. To explain this duality, we introduce an "interpolating quantum group" depending on two parameters which interpolates between a quantum group and its Langlands dual. We construct examples of its representations, depending on two parameters, which interpolate between representations of two Langlands dual quantum groups.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Borcherds-Kac-Moody Symmetry of N=4 Dyons

M.C.N. Cheng, A. Dabholkar
We consider compactifications of heterotic string theory to four dimensions on CHL orbifolds of the type T^6 /Z_N with 16 supersymmetries. The exact partition functions of the quarter-BPS dyons in these models are given in terms of genus-two Siegel modular forms. Only the N=1,2,3 models satisfy a certain finiteness condition, and in these cases one can identify a Borcherds-Kac-Moody superalgebra underlying the symmetry structure of the dyon spectrum. We identify the real roots, and find that the corresponding Cartan matrices exhaust a known classification. We show that the Siegel modular form satisfies the Weyl denominator identity of the algebra, which enables the determination of all root multiplicities. Furthermore, the Weyl group determines the structure of wall-crossings and the attractor flows of the theory. For N> 4, no such interpretation appears to be possible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

D-Branes in Orientifolds and Orbifolds and Kasparov KK-Theory

H. Garcia-Compean, W. Herrera-Suarez, B. A. Itza-Ortiz, O. Loaiza-Brito
A classification of D-branes in Type IIB Op^- orientifolds and orbifolds in terms of Real and equivariant KK-groups is given. We classify D-branes intersecting orientifold planes from which are recovered some special limits as the spectrum for D-branes on top of Type I Op^- orientifold and the bivariant classification of Type I D-branes. The gauge group and transformation properties of the low energy effective field theory living in the corresponding unstable D-brane system are computed by extensive use of Clifford algebras. Some speculations about the existence of other versions of KK-groups, based on physical insights, are proposed. In the orbifold case, some known results concerning D-branes intersecting orbifolds are reproduced and generalized. Finally, the gauge theory of unstable systems in these orbifolds is recovered.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Counting invariant of perverse coherent sheaves and its wall-crossing

K. Nagao, H. Nakajima
We introduce moduli spaces of stable perverse coherent systems on small crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau 3-folds and consider their Donaldson-Thomas type counting invariants. The stability depends on the choice of a component (= a chamber) in the complement of finitely many lines (= walls) in the plane. We determine all walls and compute generating functions of invariants for all choices of chambers when the Calabi-Yau is the resolved conifold. For suitable choices of chambers, our invariants are specialized to Donaldson-Thomas, Pandharipande-Thomas and Szendroi invariants.

Stringy Instantons as Strong Dynamics

A. Amariti, L. Girardello, A. Mariotti
We study the relation between stringy instantons and strong dynamics effects in type IIB toric quiver gauge theories. By exploiting the involutive property of Seiberg duality we relate the classical constraint on the moduli space of the gauge theory with the stringy instanton contribution to the superpotential. The result hold for unitary, orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On Coxeter Diagrams of complex reflection groups

T. Basak
We study complex Coxeter diagrams of some unitary reflection groups. Using solely the combinatorics of diagrams, we give a new proof of the classification of root lattices defined over $\cE = \ZZ[e^{2 \pi i/3}]$: there are only four such lattices, namely, the $\cE$--lattices whose real forms are $A_2$, $D_4$, $E_6$ and $E_8$. Next, we address the issue of characterizing the diagrams for unitary reflection groups, a question that was raised by Broue, Malle and Rouquier. To this end, we describe an algorithm which, given a unitary reflection group $G$, picks out a set of complex reflections. If $G$ is the reflection group of a root lattice defined over $\cE$, the reflections selected by the algorithm form the known diagram for $G$. For the reflection group of the complex Coxeter-Todd lattice $K_{12}^{\cE}$, we find a new diagram that extends to an "affine diagram" with $\ZZ/7\ZZ$ symmetry. If $G$ is a Weyl group, the algorithm immediately yields a set of simple roots. Otherwise, experimental evidences indicate that the algorithm selects a minimal generating set of reflections if $G$ is primitive and $G$ has a set of roots whose $\ZZ$--span is a discrete subset of the ambient vector space.

Matrix Corepresentations for SL_q(N) and SU_q(N)

C. Alexander
We give an algorithm for computing matrix corepresentations for special linear and special unitary quantum groups using a combinatorial re-indexing of basis elements.

Friday, September 19, 2008

D-branes and bivariant K-theory

R.J. Szabo
We review various aspects of the topological classification of D-brane charges in K-theory, focusing on techniques from geometric K-homology and Kasparov's KK-theory. The latter formulation enables an elaborate description of D-brane charge on large classes of noncommutative spaces, and a refined characterization of open string T-duality in terms of correspondences and KK-equivalence. The examples of D-branes on noncommutative Riemann surfaces and in constant H-flux backgrounds are treated in detail. Mathematical constructions include noncommutative generalizations of Poincare duality and K-orientation, characteristic classes, and the Riemann-Roch theorem.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Quiver varieties and branching

H. Nakajima
Braverman-Finkelberg arXiv:0711.2083 recently propose the geometric Satake correspondence for the affine Kac-Moody group $G_\aff$. They conjecture that intersection cohomology sheaves on the Uhlenbeck compactification of the framed moduli space of $G_{\mathrm{cpt}}$-instantons on $\R^4/\Z_r$ correspond to weight spaces of representations of the Langlands dual group $G_\aff^\vee$ at level $r$. When $G = \SL(l)$, the Uhlenbeck compactification is the quiver variety of type $\algsl(r)_\aff$, and their conjecture follows from the author's earlier result and I.Frenkel's level-rank duality. They further introduce a convolution diagram which conjecturally gives the tensor product multiplicity (paper in preparation). In this paper, we develop the theory for the branching in quiver varieties and check this conjecture for $G=\SL(l)$.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Multi-Instantons and Multi-Cuts

M. Marino, R. Schiappa, M. Weiss
We discuss various aspects of multi-instanton configurations in generic multi-cut matrix models. Explicit formulae are presented in the two-cut case and, in particular, we obtain general formulae for multi-instanton amplitudes in the one-cut matrix model case as a degeneration of the two-cut case. The multi-instanton amplitudes are computed at both one and two loops. These formulae show that the instanton gas is ultra-dilute, due to the repulsion among the matrix model eigenvalues. We exemplify and test our general results in the cubic matrix model, where multi-instanton amplitudes can be also computed with orthogonal polynomials. As an application, we derive general expressions for multi-instanton contributions in two-dimensional quantum gravity, verifying them by computing the instanton corrections to the string equation. The resulting amplitudes can be interpreted as regularized partition functions for multiple ZZ-branes, which take into full account their back-reaction on the target geometry. Finally, we also derive structural properties of the trans-series solution to the Painleve I equation.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Integrability of the holomorphic anomaly equations

B. Haghighat, A. Klemm, M. Rauch
We show that modularity and the gap condition makes the holomorphic anomaly equation completely integrable for non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. This leads to a very efficient formalism to solve the topological string on these geometries in terms of almost holomorphic modular forms. The formalism provides in particular holomorphic expansions everywhere in moduli space including large radius points, the conifold loci, Seiberg-Witten points and the orbifold points. It can be also viewed as a very efficient method to solve higher genus closed string amplitudes in the $\frac{1}{N^2}$ expansion of matrix models with more then one cut.

Octonions, G_2 and generalized Lie 3-algebras

M. Yamazaki
We construct an explicit example of a generalized Lie 3-algebra from the octonions. In combination with the result of arXiv:0807.0808, this gives rise to a three-dimensional N=2 Chern-Simons-matter theory with exceptional gauge group G_2 and with global symmetry SU(4)\times U(1). This gives a possible candidate for the theory on multiple M2-branes with G_2 gauge symmetry.