arXiv:0807.4899H. Sati.Ramond has observed that the massless multiplet of eleven-dimensional supergravity can be generated from the decomposition of the exceptional Lie group F4 into its maximal compact subgroup Spin(9). The possibility of a topological origin for this observation is investigated by studying Cayley plane, OP2, bundles over eleven-manifolds Y. Consequently, the origin of the massless fields and their supersymmetry in M-theory are characterized geometrically and topologically. The lift of the topological terms gives constraints on the cohomology of Y which are derived. The effect of the construction on the partition function and the compatibility with other physical theories is discussed. The various genera of OP2 are calculated and higher structures on Y are related to higher structures on the total space M. The latter, being 27-dimensional, might provide a candidate for `bosonic M-theory'. The discussion leads to a connection with an octonionic version of Kreck-Stolz elliptic homology theory.
arXiv:0807.4723D. Gaiotto, G.W. Moore, A. Neitzke.We give a physical explanation of the Kontsevich-Soibelman wall-crossing formula for the BPS spectrum in Seiberg-Witten theories. In the process we give an exact description of the BPS instanton corrections to the hyperkahler metric of the moduli space of the theory on R^3 x S^1. The wall-crossing formula reduces to the statement that this metric is continuous. Our construction of the metric uses a four-dimensional analogue of the two-dimensional tt* equations.
arXiv:0807.4722E. Fuchs, M. Kroyter.In this work we review Schnabl's construction of the tachyon vacuum solution to bosonic covariant open string field theory and the results that followed. We survey the state of the art of string field theory research preceding this construction focusing on Sen's conjectures and the results obtained using level truncation methods. The tachyon vacuum solution is described in various ways, in particular we describe its geometric representation using wedge states and its formal algebraic representation as a gauge solution. We also derive the form of the solution's building blocks in the oscillator representation. We show that some of Sen's conjectures can be proven analytically using this solution. The tools used in the context of the vacuum solution can be adapted to the construction of other solutions, namely various marginal deformations. We present some of the approaches used in the construction of these solutions. The generalization to open superstring field theory is derived in details. We start from the exposition of the problems one faces in the construction of superstring field theory. We then present the cubic and the non-polynomial versions of superstring field theory and prove their classical equivalence. Finally, the bosonic solutions are generalized to this case. In particular we focus on the (somewhat surprising) generalization of the tachyon solution to the case of a theory with no tachyons.
arXiv:0807.4556J. de Boer, S. El-Showk, I. Messamah, D. Van den Bleeken.N=2 supergravity in four dimensions, or equivalently N=1 supergravity in five dimensions, has an interesting set of BPS solutions that each correspond to a number of charged centers. This set contains black holes, black rings and their bound states, as well as many smooth solutions. Moduli spaces of such solutions carry a natural symplectic form which we determine, and which allows us to study their quantization. By counting the resulting wavefunctions we come to an independent derivation of some of the wall-crossing formulae. Knowledge of the explicit form of these wavefunctions allows us to find quantum resolutions to some apparent classical paradoxes such as solutions with barely bound centers and those with an infinitely deep throat. We show that quantum effects seem to cap off the throat at a finite depth and we give an estimate for the corresponding mass gap in the dual CFT. This is an interesting example of a system where quantum effects cannot be neglected at macroscopic scales even though the curvature is everywhere small.
arXiv:0807.4540D. Lust, F. Marchesano, L. Martucci, D. Tsimpis.We discuss a novel strategy to construct 4D N=0 stable flux vacua of type II string theory, based on the existence of BPS bounds for probe D-branes in some of these backgrounds. In particular, we consider compactifications where D-branes filling the 4D space-time obey the same BPS bound as they would in an N=1 compactification, while other D-branes, like those appearing as domain walls from the 4D perspective, can no longer be BPS. We construct a subfamily of such backgrounds giving rise to 4D N=0 Minkowski no-scale vacua, generalizing the well-known case of type IIB on a warped Calabi-Yau. We provide several explicit examples of these constructions, and compute quantities of phenomenological interest like flux-induced soft terms on D-branes. Our results have a natural, simple description in the language of Generalized Complex Geometry, and in particular in terms of D-brane generalized calibrations. Finally, we extend the integrability theorems for 10D supersymmetric type II backgrounds to the N=0 case and use the results to construct a new class of N=0 AdS4 compactifications.
arXiv:0807.4527M. Graña, R. Minasian, M. Petrini, D. Waldram.We discuss the action of O(d,d), and in particular T-duality, in the context of generalized geometry, focusing on the description of so-called non-geometric backgrounds. We derive local expressions for the pure spinors descibing the generalized geometry dual to an SU(3) structure background, and show that the equations for N=1 vacua are invariant under T-duality. We also propose a local generalized geometrical definition of the charges f, H, Q and R appearing in effective four-dimensional theories, using the Courant bracket. We then address certain global aspects, in particular whether the local non-geometric charges can be gauged away in, for instance, backgrounds admitting a torus action, as well as the structure of generalized parallelizable backgrounds.
arXiv:0807.4110M. Rossi.In this paper \emph{analytic equivalence} of geometric transition is defined in such a way that equivalence classes of geometric transitions turn out to be the \emph{arrows} of the \cy web. Then it seems natural and useful, both from the mathematical and physical point of view, look for privileged arrows' representatives, called \emph{canonical models}, laying the foundations of an \emph{analytic} classification of geometric transitions. At this purpose a numerical invariant, called \emph{bi--degree}, summarizing the topological, geometric and physical changing properties of a geometric transition, is defined for a large class of geometric transitions.
arXiv:0807.4451S. Govindarajan, G. Krishna.We show the existence of a family of generalized Kac-Moody(GKM) superalgebras, G_N, whose Weyl-Kac-Borcherds denominator formula gives rise to a genus-two modular form at level N, Delta_{k/2}(Z), for (N,k)=(1,10),(2,6),(3,4),(5,2). The square of the automorphic form is related to the generating function of the degeneracy of CHL dyons in asymmetric Z_N-orbifolds of the heterotic string compactified on T^6. The new generalized Kac-Moody superalgebras all arise as different `automorphic corrections' of the same Lie algebra and are closely related to a generalized Kac-Moody superalgebra constructed by Gritsenko and Nikulin. The automorphic forms, Delta_{k/2}(Z), seem to arise as additive lifts of weak Jacobi forms of (integral) weight k/2 and index 1/2. We note that the orbifolding acts on the imaginary simple roots of the unorbifolded GKM superalgebra, G_1, leaving the real simple roots untouched. We anticipate that these superalgebras will play a role in understanding the `algebra of BPS states' in CHL compactifications.
arXiv:0807.3502E. Markman. Let Y be a normal projective variety and p a morphism from X to Y, which is a projective holomorphic symplectic resolution. Namikawa proved that the Kuranishi deformation spaces Def(X) and Def(Y) are both smooth, of the same dimension, and p induces a finite branched cover f from Def(X) to Def(Y). We prove that f is Galois. We proceed to calculate the Galois group G, when X is simply connected, and its holomorphic symplectic structure is unique, up to a scalar factor. The singularity of Y is generically of ADE-type, along every codimension 2 irreducible component B of the singular locus, by Namikawa's work. The modular Galois group G is the product of Weyl groups of finite type, indexed by such irreducible components B. Each Weyl group factor W_B is that of a Dynkin diagram, obtained as a quotient of the Dynkin diagram of the singularity-type of B, by a group of Dynkin diagram automorphisms. Finally we consider generalizations of the above set-up, where Y is affine symplectic, or a Calabi-Yau threefold with a curve of ADE-singularities. We prove that the morphism f from Def(X) to Def(Y) is a Galois cover of its image. This explains the analogy between the above results and related work of Nakajima, on quiver varieties, and of Szendroi on enhanced gauge symmetries for Calabi-Yau threefolds.
arXiv:0807.4098M. Billo', L. Ferro, M. Frau, F. Fucito, A. Lerda, J.F. Morales.Motivated by possible implications on the problem of moduli stabilization and other phenomenological aspects, we study D-brane instanton effects in flux compactifications. We focus on a local model and compute non-perturbative interactions generated by gauge and stringy instantons in a N = 1 quiver theory with gauge group U(N_0) x U(N_1) and matter in the bifundamentals. This model is engineered with fractional D3-branes at a C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2) singularity, and its non-perturbative sectors are described by introducing fractional D-instantons. We find a rich variety of instanton-generated F- and D-term interactions, ranking from superpotentials and Beasley-Witten like multi-fermion couplings to non-perturbative string corrections to the Kahler potential of the gauge theory.
arXiv:0807.4000Z. Sun.In global supersymmetric Wess-Zumino models with minimal K\"ahler potentials, F-type supersymmetry breaking always yields instability or continuous degeneracy of non-supersymmetric vacua. As a generalization of the original O'Raifeartaigh's result, the existence of instability or degeneracy is true to any higher order corrections at tree level for models even with non-renormalizable superpotentials. The degeneracy coincides the R-axion direction in generic models under some assumptions of R-charge assignment, but generally requires neither R-symmetries nor any assumption of generic superpotentials. The result also confirms the well-known fact that tree level supersymmetry breaking is a very rare occurrence in global supersymmetric theories with minimal K\"ahler potentials. The implication for effective field theory method in the landscape is discussed and we point out that choosing models with minimal K\"ahler potentials may result in unexpected answers to the vacuum statistics. Supergravity theories or theories with non-minimal K\"ahler potentials in general do not suffer from the existence of instability or degeneracy. But very strong gauge dynamics or small compactification dimension reduces the K\"ahler potential from non-minimal to minimal, and gravity decoupling limit reduces supergravity to global supersymmetry. Then instability or degeneracy may appear in these limits. Away from these limits, a large number of non-SUSY vacua may still be found in an intermediate region.
arXiv:0807.3720D. Gaiotto, E. Witten.By analyzing brane configurations in detail, and extracting general lessons, we develop methods for analyzing S-duality of supersymmetric boundary conditions in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. In the process, we find that S-duality of boundary conditions is closely related to mirror symmetry of three-dimensional gauge theories, and we analyze the IR behavior of large classes of quiver gauge theories.
arXiv:0806.0024T. Friedmann.We discover the unique, simple Lie Algebra of the Third Kind, or LATKe, that stems from codimension 6 orbifold singularities and gives rise to a kind of Yang-Mills theory which simultaneously is pure and contains matter. The root space of the LATKe is 1-dimensional and its Dynkin diagram consists of one point. The uniqueness of the LATKe is a vacuum selection mechanism.
arXiv:0807.3503S. Bellucci, S. Ferrara, A. Marrani, A. Yeranyan.The general solutions of the radial attractor flow equations for extremal black holes, both for non-BPS with non-vanishing central charge Z and for Z=0, are obtained for the so-called stu model, the minimal rank-3 N=2 symmetric supergravity in d=4 space-time dimensions. Comparisons with previous partial results, as well as the "fake" supergravity (first order) formalism and an analysis of the marginal stability of corresponding D-brane configurations, are given.
arXiv:0807.3330J. Gomis, S. Matsuura, T. Okuda, D. Trancanelli.We compute at strong coupling the large N correlation functions of supersymmetric Wilson loops in large representations of the gauge group with local operators of N=4 super Yang-Mills. The gauge theory computation of these correlators is performed using matrix model techniques. We show that the strong coupling correlator of the Wilson loop with the stress tensor computed using the matrix model exactly matches the semiclassical computation of the correlator of the 't Hooft loop with the stress tensor, providing a non-trivial quantitative test of electric-magnetic duality of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We then perform these calculations using the dual bulk gravitational picture, where the Wilson loop is described by a "bubbling" geometry. By applying holographic methods to these backgrounds we calculate the Wilson loop correlation functions, finding perfect agreement with our gauge theory results.
arXiv:0807.3099M.C.N. Cheng.In this thesis we study the spectra of supersymmetric states in string theory compactifications with eight and sixteen supercharges, with special focus placed on the quantum states of black holes and the phenomenon of wall-crossing in these theories. A self-contained introduction to the relevant background material is included.
arXiv:0807.3228N. Beisert, R. Ricci, A. Tseytlin, M. Wolf.We discuss 2d duality transformations in the classical AdS5 x S5 superstring and their effect on the integrable structure. T-duality along four directions in Poincare parametrization of AdS5 maps the bosonic part of the superstring action into itself. On bosonic level, this duality may be understood as a symmetry of the first-order (phase space) system of equations for the coset components of the current. The associated Lax connection is invariant modulo the action of an so(2,4)-automorphism. We then show that this symmetry extends to the full superstring, provided one supplements the transformation of the bosonic components of the current with a transformation on the fermionic ones. At the level of the action, this symmetry can be seen by combining the bosonic duality transformation with a similar one applied to part of the fermionic superstring coordinates. As a result, the full superstring action is mapped into itself, albeit in a different kappa-symmetry gauge. One implication is that the dual model has the same superconformal symmetry group as the original one, and this may be seen as a consequence of the integrability of the superstring. The invariance of the Lax connection under the duality implies a map on the full set of conserved charges that should interchange some of the Noether (local) charges with hidden (non-local) ones and vice versa.
arXiv:0807.3196N. Berkovits, J. Maldacena.We show that tree level superstring theories on certain supersymmetric backgrounds admit a symmetry which we call ``fermionic T-duality''. This is a non-local redefinition of the fermionic worldsheet fields similar to the redefinition we perform on bosonic variables when we do an ordinary T-duality. This duality maps a supersymmetric background to another supersymmetric background with different RR fields and a different dilaton. We show that a certain combination of bosonic and fermionic T-dualities maps the full superstring theory on $AdS_5 \times S^5$ back to itself in such a way that gluon scattering amplitudes in the original theory map to something very close to Wilson loops in the dual theory. This duality maps the ``dual superconformal symmetry'' of the original theory to the ordinary superconformal symmetry of the dual model. This explains the dual superconformal invariance of planar scattering amplitudes of N=4 super Yang Mills and also sheds some light on the connection between amplitudes and Wilson loops. In the appendix, we propose a simple prescription for open superstring MHV tree amplitudes in a flat background.
arXiv:0807.2463P.E. Gunnells. Let W~ be an affine Weyl group, and let C be a left, right, or two-sided Kazhdan--Lusztig cell in W~. Let Reduced (C) be the set of all reduced expressions of elements of C, regarded as a formal language in the sense of the theory of computation. We show that Reduced (C) is a regular language. Hence the reduced expressions of the elements in any Kazhdan--Lusztig cell can be enumerated by a finite state automaton.
arXiv:0807.2477A. Klemm, D. Maulik, R. Pandharipande, E. Scheidegger. The Yau-Zaslow conjecture determines the reduced genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces in terms of the Dedekind eta function. Classical intersections of curves in the moduli of K3 surfaces with Noether-Lefschetz divisors are related to 3-fold Gromov-Witten theory via the K3 invariants. Results by Borcherds and Kudla-Millson determine the classical intersections in terms of vector-valued modular forms. Proven mirror transformations can often be used to calculate the 3-fold invariants which arise. Via a detailed study of the STU model (determining special curves in the moduli of K3 surfaces), we prove the Yau-Zaslow conjecture for all curve classes on K3 surfaces. Two modular form identities are required. The first, the Klemm-Lerche-Mayr identity relating hypergeometric series to modular forms after mirror transformation, is proven here. The second, the Harvey-Moore identity, is proven by D. Zagier and presented in the paper.
arXiv:0807.2857S.D. Stirling.Classical and quantum Chern-Simons with gauge group $\text{U}(1)^N$ were classified by Belov and Moore in \cite{belov_moore}. They studied both ordinary topological quantum field theories as well as spin theories. On the other hand a correspondence is well known between ordinary $(2+1)$-dimensional TQFTs and modular tensor categories. We study group categories and extend them slightly to produce modular tensor categories that correspond to toral Chern-Simons. Group categories have been widely studied in other contexts in the literature \cite{frolich_kerler},\cite{quinn},\cite{joyal_street},\cite{eno},\cite{dgno}. The main result is a proof that the associated projective representation of the mapping class group is isomorphic to the one from toral Chern-Simons. We also remark on an algebraic theorem of Nikulin that is used in this paper.
arXiv:0807.2843A. Mironov, A. Morozov.M.Kazarian and S.Lando found a 1-parametric interpolation between Kontsevich and Hurwitz partition functions, which entirely lies within the space of KP tau-functions. V.Bouchard and M.Marino suggested that this interpolation satisfies some deformed Virasoro constraints. However, they described the constraints in a somewhat sophisticated form of AMM-Eynard equations for the rather involved Lambert spectral curve. Here we present the relevant family of Virasoro constraints explicitly. They differ from the conventional continuous Virasoro constraints in the simplest possible way: by a constant shift u^2/24 of the L_{-1} operator, where u is an interpolation parameter between Kontsevich and Hurwitz models. This trivial modification of the string equation gives rise to the entire deformation which is a conjugation of the Virasoro constraints L_m -> U L_m U^{-1} and "twists" the partition function, Z_{KH}= U Z_K. The conjugation U is expressed through the previously unnoticed operator N_1 which annihilates the quasiclassical (planar) free energy of the Kontsevich model, but does not belong to the symmetry group GL(\infty) of the universal Grassmannian.
arXiv:0807.0640D.A. Richter. This article introduces a new term "splint" and classifies the splints of the classical root systems. The motivation comes from representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. In a few instances, splints play a role in determining branching rules of a module over a complex semisimple Lie algebra when restricted to a subalgebra. In these particular cases, the set of submodules with respect to the subalgebra themselves may be regarded as the character of another Lie algebra.
arXiv:0807.0691I. Heckenberger, H.-J. Schneider. Motivated by work of Kac and Lusztig, we define a root system and a Weyl groupoid for a large class of semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld modules over an arbitrary Hopf algebra. The obtained combinatorial structure fits perfectly into an existing framework of generalized root systems associated to a family of Cartan matrices, and provides novel insight into Nichols algebras. We demonstrate the power of our construction with new results on Nichols algebras over finite non-abelian simple groups and symmetric groups. Key words: Hopf algebra, quantum group, root system, Weyl group
arXiv:0807.0943A.S. Sikora. Let G be a simple complex algebraic group and g its Lie algebra. We show that the g-Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev quantum invariants determine a deformation-quantization, C_q[X_G(torus)], of the coordinate ring of the G-character variety of the torus. We prove that this deformation is in the direction of the Goldman's bracket. Furthermore, we show that every knot K defines an ideal I_K in C_q[X_G(torus)]. We conjecture that the homomorphism C_q[X_G(torus)] -> C[X_G(torus)], q -> 1, maps I_K to the ideal whose radical is the kernel of the map C[X_G(torus)] -> C[X_G(S^3 K)]. This conjecture is related to AJ-conjecture for sl(2,\C). The results of this paper are inspired by the theory of q-holonomic relations between quantum invariants of Garoufalidis and Le. Along the way, we disprove Conjecture 2 in Le's "The Colored Jones and the A-polynomial of Two-Bridge knots".
arXiv:0807.0597V. Bouchard, A. Klemm, M. Marino, S. Pasquetti.We use the remodeling approach to the B-model topological string in terms of recursion relations to study open string amplitudes at orbifold points. To this end, we clarify modular properties of the open amplitudes and rewrite them in a form that makes their transformation properties under the modular group manifest. We exemplify this procedure for the C^3/Z_3 orbifold point of local P^2, where we present results for topological string amplitudes for genus zero and up to three holes, and for the one-holed torus. These amplitudes can be understood as generating functions for either open orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of C^3/Z_3, or correlation functions in the orbifold CFT involving insertions of both bulk and boundary operators.
arXiv:0806.4563Y. Michel, B. Pioline, C. Rousset. Stationary, spherically symmetric solutions of N=2 supergravity in 3+1 dimensions have been shown to correspond to holomorphic curves on the twistor space of the quaternionic-K\"ahler space which arises in the dimensional reduction along the time direction. In this note, we generalize this result to the case of 1/4-BPS black holes in N=4 supergravity, and show that they too can be lifted to holomorphic curves on a "twistor space" Z, obtained by fibering the Grassmannian F=SO(8)/U(4) over the moduli space in three-dimensions SO(8,n_v+2)/SO(8)xSO(n_v+2). This provides a kind of octonionic generalization of the standard constructions in quaternionic geometry, and may be useful for generalizing the known BPS black hole solutions, and finding new non-BPS extremal solutions.