arXiv:0804.4470R. Argurio, F. Benini, M. Bertolini, C. Closset, S. Cremonesi.We consider different types of fractional branes on a Z_2 orbifold of the conifold and analyze in detail the corresponding gauge/gravity duality. The gauge theory possesses a rich and varied dynamics, both in the UV and in the IR. We find the dual supergravity solution which contains both untwisted and twisted 3-form fluxes, related to what are known as deformation and N=2 fractional branes respectively. We analyze the resulting RG flow from the supergravity perspective, by developing an algorithm to easily extract it. We find hints of a generalization of the familiar cascade of Seiberg dualities due to a non-trivial interplay between the different types of fractional branes. We finally consider the IR behavior in several limits, where the dominant effective dynamics is either confining, in a Coulomb phase or runaway, and discuss the resolution of singularities in the dual geometric background.
arXiv:0804.3289R.P. Rohr. Let $\Lie{g}$ be a simple complex Lie algebra and $\Lie{h}$ a Cartan subalgebra. In this article we explain how to obtain the principal basis of $\Lie{h}$ starting form a set of generators $\{p_1, ... ,p_r\}$,$r=\rank(\Lie{g})$, of the invariants polynomials $\Sgg$. For each invariant polynomial $p$, we define a $G$-equivariant map $Dp$ form $\Lie{g}$ to $\Lie{g}$. We show that the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the elements $\{Dp_1(\rho^\vee), ... Dp_r(\rho^\vee) \}$ gives the principal basis of $\Lie{h}$. Similarly the orthogonalization of the elements $\{Dp_1(\rho), >... Dp_r(\rho) \}$ produces the principal basis of the Cartan subalgebra of $\lLie{g}$, the Langlands dual of $\Lie{g}$.
arXiv:0804.3781F. Hivert, A. Schilling, N. Thiéry. The Hecke group algebra $HW_0$ of a finite Coxeter group $W_0$, as introduced by the first and last author, is obtained from $W_0$ by gluing appropriately its 0-Hecke algebra and its group algebra. In this paper, we give an equivalent alternative construction in the case when $W_0$ is the classical Weyl group associated to an affine Weyl group $W$. Namely, we prove that, for $q$ not a root of unity, $HW_0$ is the natural quotient of the affine Hecke algebra through its level 0 representation. We further show that the level 0 representation is a calibrated principal series representation for a suitable choice of character, so that the quotient factors (non trivially) through the principal central specialization. This explains in particular the similarities between the representation theory of the classical 0-Hecke algebra and that of the affine Hecke algebra at this specialization.
arXiv:0804.3564R. Poghossian, M. Samsonyan.In this paper we compute the partition function of 5D supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory with extra adjoint matter in general $\Omega$-background. It is well known that such partition functions encode very rich topological information. We show in particular that unlike the case with no extra matter, the partition function with extra adjoint at some special values of the parameters directly reproduces the generating function for the Poincare polynomial of the moduli space of instantons. Comparing our results with those recently obtained by Iqbal et. al., who used the refined topological vertex method, we present our comments on apparent discrepancies.
arXiv:0804.2598A. Brini, A. Tanzini.We obtain exact results in \alpha' for open and closed A-model topological string amplitudes on a large class of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds by using their correspondence with five dimensional gauge theories. The toric Calabi-Yau's that we analyze are obtained as minimal resolution of cones over Y(p,q) singularities and give rise via M-theory compactification to SU(p) gauge theories on R^4 x S^1. As an application we present a detailed study of the local F_2 case and compute genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants on the C^3/Z_4 orbifold. The mirror curve in this case is the spectral curve of the relativistic A_1 Toda chain. Our results also indicate the existence of a wider class of relativistic integrable systems associated to generic Y(p,q) geometries.
arXiv:0804.2489M. Aganagic, C. Beem, J. Seo, C. Vafa.We study N=1 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theories coupled to an adjoint chiral field with superpotential. We consider the full supersymmetric moduli space of these theories obtained by adding all allowed chiral operators. These include higher-dimensional operators that introduce a field-dependence for the gauge coupling. We show how Feynman diagram/matrix model/string theoretic techniques can all be used to compute the IR glueball superpotential. Moreover, in the limit of turning off the superpotential, this leads to a deformation of N=2 Seiberg-Witten theory. In the case where the superpotential drives the squared gauge coupling to a negative value, we find that supersymmetry is spontaneously broken, which can be viewed as a novel mechanism for breaking supersymmetry. We propose a new duality between a class of N=1 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theories with field-dependent gauge couplings and a class of U(N) gauge theories where supersymmetry is softly broken by nonzero expectation values for auxiliary components of spurion superfields.
arXiv:0804.1773S. Giombi, A. Maloney, X. Yin.We consider the one-loop partition function of free quantum field theory in locally Anti-de Sitter space-times. In three dimensions, the one loop determinants for scalar, gauge and graviton excitations are computed explicitly using heat kernel techniques. We obtain precisely the result anticipated by Brown and Henneaux: the partition function includes a sum over "boundary excitations" of AdS3, which are the Virasoro descendants of empty Anti-de Sitter space. This result also allows us to compute the one-loop corrections to the Euclidean action of the BTZ black hole as well its higher genus generalizations.
arXiv:0804.0651A. Sen.We give a manifestly U-duality invariant formula for the degeneracy of 1/8 BPS dyons in type II string theory on T^6 for a U-duality invariant subset of charge vectors. Besides depending on the Cremmer-Julia invariant the degeneracy also depends on other discrete invariants of E_{7(7)}(Z).
arXiv:0804.0381B. Eynard .The generating function which counts partitions with the Plancherel measure (and its q-deformed version), can be rewritten as a matrix integral, which allows to compute its asymptotic expansion to all orders. There are applications in statistical physics of growing/melting crystals, T.A.S.E.P., and also in algebraic geometry. In particular we compute the Gromov-Witten invariants of the X_p Calabi-Yau 3-fold, and we prove a conjecture of M. Marino, that the generating functions F_g of Gromov--Witten invariants of X_p, come from a matrix model, and are the symplectic invariants of the mirror spectral curve.
arXiv:0803.4188M. Cirafici, A. Sinkovics, R.J. Szabo. We study the relation between Donaldson-Thomas theory of Calabi-Yau threefolds and a six-dimensional topological Yang-Mills theory. Our main example is the topological U(N) gauge theory on flat space in its Coulomb branch. To evaluate its partition function we use equivariant localization techniques on its noncommutative deformation. As a result the gauge theory localizes on noncommutative instantons which can be classified in terms of N-coloured three-dimensional Young diagrams. We give to these noncommutative instantons a geometrical description in terms of certain stable framed coherent sheaves on projective space by using a higher-dimensional generalization of the ADHM formalism. From this formalism we construct a topological matrix quantum mechanics which computes an index of BPS states and provides an alternative approach to the six-dimensional gauge theory.
arXiv:0803.4474M. Yamazaki. We review recent developments in the theory of brane tilings and four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric quiver gauge theories. This review consists of two parts. In part I, we describe foundations of brane tilings, emphasizing the physical interpretation of brane tilings as fivebrane systems. In part II, we discuss application of brane tilings to AdS/CFT correspondence and homological mirror symmetry. More topics, such as orientifold of brane tilings, phenomenological model building, similarities with BPS solitons in supersymmetric gauge theories, are also briefly discussed. This paper is a revised version of the author's master's thesis submitted to Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo on January 2008, and is based on his several papers: math.AG/0605780, math.AG/0606548, hep-th/0702049, math.AG/0703267, arXiv:0801.3528 and some works in progress.
arXiv:0804.0244F. Ferrari . We give a brief account of the recent progresses in super Yang-Mills theories based in particular on the application of Nekrasov's instanton technology to the case of N=1 supersymmetry. We have developed a first-principle formalism from which any chiral observable in the theory can be computed, including in strongly coupled confining vacua. The correlators are first expressed in terms of some external variables as sums over colored partitions. The external variables are then fixed to their physical values by extremizing the microscopic quantum superpotential. Remarquably, the results can be shown to coincide with the Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model approach, which uses a totally different mathematical framework. These results clarify many important properties of N=1 theories, related in particular to generalized Konishi anomaly equations and to Veneziano-Yankielowicz terms in the glueball superpotentials. The proof of the equivalence between the formalisms based on colored partitions and on matrices is also a proof of the open/closed string duality in the chiral sector of the theories.